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Synika turned the word over in her mind. It had been many months since she'd had a friend. The truth was that she had intended to dump the girl off with Knox, but something had let her stay. Synika was lonely, and maybe somewhere Zina, there was a good friend. She hoped so, anyway. Zina was a nice girl, and Synika was happy to see someone genuinely unafraid of her. The girl seemed more worried about the future and her sister than anything. It was noble, the elf thought. It was nice to have company, and besides, the girl was cute.

Zina had lots of questions, but Synika couldn't blame her. After she'd been saved from Barovia, she'd bombarded Drizzt with questions too. The poor drow was probably one of the few people that had ever done something nice for her of his own will. She wondered what he was up to now; she hadn't seen him since she left for Blacklake. She guessed he was off in the Underdark, fighting off demons, and sadly, his own race.

She very rarely had to kill any elves, and never had she killed a Sun elf, with the exception of her parents. It was fairly uncommon for elves to be as stupid and impressionable as humans, who made up an overwhelming majority of the ranks of cults, bandits, and pirates plaguing the realm. It was good, though, and meant she almost never encountered her kin as opposition on her journey. Drow were technically dark elves, but she didn't consider it the same with the way they acted.

Synika rematerialized in the Seven Suns Market, greeted by the same burly man as always. He needed not follow her and guide her, as she'd made many trips here. As Zina stripped to bathe, blocks away, Synika paid a heavy price for a new wardrobe for Zina, with some of the best Chultan and Drow fabrics. She returned to the tower, putting the clothes away, folded neatly, into her dresser. She cleared a drawer out just for Zina, smiling gently to herself. It was nice to be able to truly help someone without killing everyone in sight.

Since she broke her out, anyway.

She jumped from the tower, racing through the streets as mist. She reformed at the bathhouse, having taken with her a silk white shirt, dark Drowcraft pants, and undergarments for Zina. Synika stepped into the building, taking a deep breath of the moist air. Unlike the cold, foggy wetness of Barovia, the moist air here was warm and sweet with the scents of luxurious perfumes and soaps.

The large inside of the bathhouse was perfectly square, with the center area being a shallow, hot pool. At each corner were thick pillars holding up the roof. The white stone floor surrounding it held cabanas with guests on them receiving various treatments for skin or otherwise. She giggled to herself at the sight of a six foot ten half orc getting his hair washed.

She scanned the room, eventually finding Zina towards the back, who had two women attending to her. Her red skin was coated in a thick mud, rich in minerals, and her face had a various assortment of vegetables and masks as well. While one woman tended her nails, the other washed her thick hair crimson hair with a stark white froth that smelled faintly of Fey Flowers.

Synika smiled. She'd given Zina a lot of money intentionally, knowing that the tired girl wouldn't resist the full spa package. Synika stopped at the foot of the chair, gently placing the new clothes on the end.

"Having a good time?" Synika asked with a small smile.

Zina's body contracted all at once. "S-Syn! I didn't realize you'd be back already!" she said, starting to move. The lady attending to her hair gently held her in place as not to disturb the work they did. Zina relaxed.

Synika smiled, looking to where Zina's eyes should have been, covered under a thick slices of cucumber.

"Well I finished shopping for you, and thought I'd come by. I like it in here after all.. It's like Barovian fog, only warm and it smells good."

Zina tilted her head. "Well, I wouldn't know.. But I'm glad you're here."

Synika hummed.

Zina added, "You're welcome to join me afterwards. I had a bath already, but I have to have another after they rinse all this stuff off."

Synika looked at her feet. "Sure. I don't see why not."

Turning over her shoulder, the ranger looked into the hot pool. There were only a few people in there as it was, and the steam was intentionally thick enough to hide people. But it was a bathhouse, everyone did the same thing anyway.

Within a few minutes, Zina had been rinsed off. Her skin wasn't glowing just yet; she'd have to wash off the residue first.

Synika handed her a white towel, and the two of them dropped their garments at their feet. Despite herself, Synika glanced at the malnourished body of her friend. She was still deathly thin, but at least her spirits were up.

Synika led her to the water's edge, where they slipped off their towels, and inched into the hot liquid. The warm tingle of the water was immediate, racing along their skin. Synika hummed. She'd forgotten the gentle embrace of the water.

The two of them settled shoulder deep into the pool, breathing softly. As Synika closed her eyes, she felt a slight brush on her right hand. She didn't move, instead letting the seeking fingers curl around her own.

Zina blushed furiously as Synika eyed her sideways.

The tiefling rushed to explain. "I- my sister, and I.. we held hands when we were worried. It was a symbol of trust and.. And friendship."

Synika stared at the girl, her eyes slowly moving to look at the hand on her own, underneath the rippling water.

Softly, she laughed to herself. Quietly at first, then more loudly, overwhelmed with the sudden rush.

When she settled, she smiled happily to herself, aware the tiefling was watching.

"So.. that's what it feels like." Synika murmured, closing her eyes once more and relaxing.

Zina cocked her head. "What?"

The elf only smiled.


An hour later, Synika was gently shaken at the shoulder by her friend. She stirred herself, opening her eyes and sitting up.

"Hey, you fell asleep.. Um.. we've been in the water for an hour, and it's not good to sit in heat that long." Zina said, concerned.

The elf knit her eyebrows, surprised at herself for falling asleep. "Did you pass out too?"

The girl shook her head. "No, too much going through my head."

"Want to tell me about it?"

"I don't think this is a good place."

Synika nodded. "Okay. We can go, then." She said, standing. As the water coursed over her body and into the pool, she was acutely aware of envious glares from passing women. She hastily picked up her towel and covered herself, handing Zina her own towel. The two of them walked to the chair, where they dressed once more.

After she was dressed, Zina held her arms out and inspected the fabrics covering her body.

Synika started, "I hope you like them, I-"

"I love them, I really do."

The elf closed her mouth, smiling with a single nod. "Good."

"And.. thank you."

The elf stood still, fighting her own emotions, trembling softly. There were any number of ways to respond to the girl. All she had to do was say something.

Why were the words escaping her?

She let out her breath, choosing instead to extend a hand. Zina blinked twice, eyeing it, then cautiously accepted. The elf's skin was still warm.

"It was my pleasure, really." Synika managed. "It feels good to help."

Zina opened her mouth, but the elf was already leading her out of the building and onto the street. A wave had crashed over her, and she knew what she should do for Zina.

Zina called up to her. "Hey, where are we going? Armor already?"

Synika shook her head, pulling her along the cobbled street. "No. We're going to find you a deity." 

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