Twenty Three

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The three woke sharply to the sound of a horn, followed by a woman speaking sharply. Her words were unintelligible, scrambled by the forest.

"I think we should be going." Zima muttered. She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes.

"Wait! Did I fall asleep on you?" Zina asked. "I'm so sorry!"

Synika laughed. "You didn't, no. But you looked cold, so I pulled you over."

Zina's mouth hung slightly open. "You... oh.." she said, eyes dancing.

The elf smiled. "Come on."

Zina nodded, placing her weapons on her body, and handing Synika her small bag. When they were ready, the two began walking through the trees, Salyrria close behind.

"While you were sleeping, I captured a bandit that came poking around. Got some information from him."

Zina raised her eyebrows. "And? What did he say?"

"Told me there's magicians among the ranks of the bandits now. Summoners, he says."

Zina considered. "Are they powerful?"

Synika shrugged, peering around a tree to try to locate the voice. "Fireballs and the like, according to him. Said the summoners are higher in rank because they can cast. Fire isn't much of an issue with your armor and shield enchantments, but I am vulnerable to it."

"Why isn't your leather enchanted?"

Synika shrugged once more. "Leather can't hold the same amount of power as metal can. So when I think a battle is lost, I simply flee before I get harmed to bad."

"You won't always be able to predict that, Synika."

"Maybe." She said. "Quick, listen."

The voice echoed, louder and closer. Their ears picked up her words this time, sharp and harsh.

"Herman is missing, and if you rats don't find the deserting bastard, I'll kill you myself." she said. The woman stepped at least into view from behind a crumbling stone wall. Around her were a group of bandits, all living, digging through rubble, scouting trees, flipping over cots and blankets, and otherwise doing all they could to locate Herman, whom Synika assumed was the bandit from last night.

"Seems like she's angry.." Zina said. "Which reminds me.. What exactly did you do with the bandit?"

"Seven paces to your left." Synika said.

Zina turned her head, looking through the underbrush to see a pale body already decomposing. Her mouth fell open, disappointment in Synika welling up in her mind.

"You.. you didn't have to kill him." she muttered.

Synika heard her, glancing back to look at her saddened expression. For a split second, she wanted to tell the girl that this was real life, but then she was hit with rushing images of the thousands of lives she had taken, hundreds and hundreds of faces flashing in her eyes.

She opened her mouth to apologize, but a bandit had wandered too close. They ducked quickly into the underbrush, hiding from sight.

The bandit dug around, walking right past them and into the trees. None of them dared move.

As the bandit found his dead counterpart, he let out a long rush of air. "Shiiiiit buddy, what 'appened ta you?" he said. "Oiya boss! I found 'im!"

The woman turned to face the trees, walking from the ruined castle room into the grass, and into the trees. She wore black robes, a wooden casting staff in her right hand. She wore a pointed, wide brimmed hat to match her dressings. She was fairly ugly, crooked features on her weathered skin.

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