Twenty Two

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The traverse to Blackdagger was rough, with rocky forest paths leading to twisting hills and steep drops. Progress was slow until the ruined castle was nearly in sight.

Zina dug through the bag, eating again. The potion had a bit longer of a side effect than mentioned, but she was happy to be gaining strength back across her body. Confidence still permeated her being, rich memories of her battle with Charthraxis filling her mind.

Synika was tired, having been awake for days now, but she trekked on. Walking was a waste of energy for her, as mist was nearly weightless, and ten times as fast. But she couldn't and wouldn't leave the paladin behind.

Maybe if I just bit her.. Synika thought, then sharply correcting her stupid idea. No. Never.

The tiefling walked ahead of her, yawning loudly. "We're almost here, though. I.. think."

"Yes. The first of the grounds should be through the trees, meaning if you'd like to rest, now would be a good time." Synika said. "The sun is setting anyways."

Zina sighed. "I'm excited, but I guess we really should stop."

Synika hid her joy, dropping her bag and slumping against a tree.

"I can't believe you're tired." Zina said.

"Don't get cocky. I've been awake for days."

"Right.." Zina muttered. "Sorry."

As night fell, the temperature of the coastal area became cool, and in the trees, it dropped further. As Synika closed her eyes to rest, she was aware of the shivering paladin. She would have to wait a little bit. Salyrria padded past, laying down to rest.

As the tiefling fell asleep, Synika sighed. "Sune, protect her while I'm gone, please."

Synika faded to mist, soundlessly racing through the trees, and into Blackdagger Keep. The castle itself was ruined, as Maben warned. Towers stood at half height, crumbling and fallen. Archways were often broken, the unsupported mass above falling under its own weight. Much of the buildings didn't have roofs. Halls were exposed above, and many rooms had only inner walls. It was a wonder much stood left at all.

The ranger slipped through the cracks in the walls, scanning the keep for a lone bandit. She reformed atop a broken tower, peering out over the keep. Small torchlit rooms were scattered throughout the palace.

Up here, the wind was cool on her skin, the moonrays above her soothing her pale complexion.

She growled, fading again and dropping from the tower. She dashed between shadows as mist, searching every room for a-

There he was. A lone bandit, asleep in a corner. Lean built, human, and young.

Perfect. She thought.

A campfire burned in the room, which was missing its ceiling and two walls, exposing it to the outside. Synika raced to him, reforming beside him. Before she was seen, she snatched up the bandit with a firm hand over his mouth, and dragged him into the forest. His muffled screams made little sound.

Synika dragged him further into the trees, stopping when the firelight no longer reached them. She relaxed, leaning down to the man in her arms.

"Scream, and I'll kill you. Talk too loudly, and I'll kill you. You even move an inch in a way I don't like, and I'll kill you. Do you understand?"

The bandit, defeated, nodded.

Synika slowly released her hand from his mouth.

He breathed heavily. "Whaddaya want from me? I don't know anything, I-I swear."

Synika smiled. "Hush, we'll get to that soon. All I need to know.. Is where are the brothers?"

The man shook his head furiously. "I-I wouldn't be knowing, they don't tell us anything!"

"Who is 'they?'" Synika pressed. "Tell me or die."

He blinked. "The- the um.. the wizard folks. The Summoners... witches they put in the ranks. They just tell us what to do or we die."

"Summoners? Of what?"

The man shied away. "I-I've already said too-"

Synika bared her teeth, flashing her moonlit fangs. "Aaanswer meee." She hissed.

The man's heart rate increased, terrified. "What the hell are you?!" He cried.

Synika shifted back to herself. "Answer me or find out."

The man nodded furiously, swallowing hard. His wide eyes gleamed in the moon's radiance.

"They.. they summon minor devils.. Imps and the like. I haven't seen anything much bigger. Fireballs..! Yeah, fireballs! They.. they make them!"

Synika narrowed her eyes. "What else? What of these witches?"

"It's jus' what we call the Summoners be-behind their backs."

"And why are they in charge?"

"I dunno, it's a rankin' system. If you can do magic, you're up higher. We's just grunts! Honest!"

The elf growled. "Fine. Where are the brothers?"

"I don't know, I swear! After that dead-raiser pulled them up and made them walk again, I haven't heard much about it. I just know that those who are bad get sent to them... an-and they don't come back.. Alive anyway. They fix 'em up into undead.. Then they listen.. They hafto."

Synika twisted her mouth. "Interesting."

She stood back. "You may go."


"Go, back to your little hovel, before I change my mind."

The man blinked. "Ye-yes ma'am." he said, then turned and fled as fast as he could. Synika let him get ten yards, then put an arrow through his skull. The man crumpled, dead before he hit the ground. The elf walked slowly to him, lifting his body up and draining the blood from his wrist. Though his brain was gone, his heart would beat for a minute yet.

When she'd had her fill, she tossed his body into the trees, leaving him to the wildlife. With her body brimming with new energy from her feast, she would be more than ready for the coming day. The information provided was somewhat minimal, but her mind churned with ways to take the fortress down.

What was left of it anyways.

She faded, passing through the trees to return to Zina's side. The girl was asleep, still shivering. Synika smiled. Salyrria was nestled nearby.

Though her body had a low temperature because of her curse, she hoped it would help. She sat beside Zina, taking her head and putting it gently against her chest. With the girl against her, Synika slowly leaned back, laying on the leafy ground. Zina stirred in her sleep, wrapping her arm around Synika's waist, her shivering slowing.

"Thank you, Sune." She whispered, her mark pulsing.

The elf closed her eyes, her body still very much alive. 

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