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The sun rose behind black clouds the following morning, as the rain had persisted through the night. Synika had not moved from the roof, having spent the night lost in her mind amongst the downpour.

Zina had spent her night tossing and turning, restless from the potion, and worried about where Synika had gone. She was afraid for the girl. Zina knew the ranger could take care of herself, but she was somewhere in the city, in nothing but her undergarments. All she had was her nails and teeth.

Zina sighed. That would be enough, though. She was powerful, especially when angry.. Or motivated.

Zina rolled from the bed, wiping her eyes. She kneeled to the drawer set up for her, pulling it open slowly. She pulled out a white short dress from the top, made of silk, trimmed in lace. Slipping it on, she smiled to herself, eyes again welling with tears. The elf really had spent so much on her.

She walked to the entrance archway, sitting down, her legs hanging from the ledge.

"Synika, please come back. I.. need you. I know you can't hear me, but I hope that maybe somehow, you'll get the message."

Several feet above her on the roof, the vampire lifted her head, not daring to make a sound.

Zina continued to talk.

"I.. I do love you. I know it's been two days and that it all seems so stupid, but you've done me such much kindness and given me so much, that it was impossible not to be overwhelmed by it all. I stayed up all night worrying.. and because of that potion, which was even another thing that you paid for, all to make me better."

Zina sighed, leaning on the arch.

"How could anyone not love you after so much? You say you don't know what love is, but you've shown me how much you can give it. You're such an amazing person."

Zina stood, sighing.

"Please come home soon. I just.. I don't know how I'll be able to face you."

She turned away, walking inside to find breakfast. She was sad, but that didn't mean she wasn't hungry. Unfortunately, the potion definitely cauzed the increase of hunger. Zina pulled bread and cheese from the cabinet and cold box, as well as a few strips of seasoned pork. She threw the pork into a pan and set it on the stove to cook, while starting on the bread.

After a few minutes, she sat down to eat, barely able to eat through the tears. She drank two glasses of water, if only to replace the weight in tears.

When she had finished, she cleaned her dinnerwares and set them back where they belonged.

Salyrria eyed her mournfully, Zasrin grumbling. Zina laughed through her crying. "Sure, guys."

Mimicking their owner, she cut them each a slab of beef, cautiously handing it to the pair, who each padded their separate ways to eat.

She sighed, sniffling.

"That was a very pretty speech, Zina." Synika said from the archway.

Zina jumped, dropping the knife at her feet with a clatter.

Synika's eyes were red from rubbing, as were Zina's. The girl looked like a wreck, her hair a knotty mess, her skin waterlogged and pruned.

Zina flushed. "You.. you heard it? But you were gone, how did you.."

"I spent the night on the roof, alone with my thoughts."

"In the rain?! You'll catch a cold!"

Synika smiled. "Zina."

The girl, who was midway through pulling a blanket from the bed to wrap the elf in, stopped, the fabric clutched in her hands.

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