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When the sun came up, Drizzt had already gone to find a morning meal. As a weary Synika awoke to find the room empty, he was just returning with boxes, warm to the touch. As before, he passed it to her, though she ate without a word, eyes to the floor.

Drizzt watched her carefully, his long hair framing his face.

"Tell me, young one." He said, idly referring to her issue.

"I'm alright," she replied, avoiding his eyes.

Drizzt stared.

He walked over and stood in front of her. "Eyes, please."

Synika looked up at him.

"Today, I'm going to take you to meet Knox again, and we will discuss your future, both with this city, and with this entire world."

She nodded.

"Now," He continued, "I know you are nervous, but Knox will take care of you. Lord Neverember appointed him over anyone else.. though.. I guess that doesn't really count for much."

Drizzt backed off her, letting her get herself ready for the day.

She turned a few things over in her mind as she dressed. "Why would you say a lord's word doesn't count for much?"

Drizzt laughed bitterly. "If you someday meet the trembling fool on the throne, you'll know why. I am an agitated keeper of many of his secrets, as are lots of his higher staff. I'll tell you something everyone knows, though." Drizzt slipped his blades on. "The Crown of Neverember was a family heirloom, passed down from king to king. Should anyone who is not the righteous king or future king wear it, it will kill them instantly."

Synika widened her eyes. "A crown can do that?"

Drizzt smiled. "Young one, you could enchant a pebble to kill a dragon, it just takes the right words." He tilted his head. "And.. well, and an assload of energy in that case.. but you'll learn all about that, I'm sure, in your texts." He threw his bag on his shoulder, and Synika stood to follow him out of the room.

"But, yes. The crown will kill those not destined to wear it. So when you meet the lord, go ahead and see if he wears it upon his head. To ruin the surprise, he doesn't."

"Why? Is he a liar?"

Drizzt smiled. "You're quick.. the lord is only a half brother to the throne, and he didn't exactly get it by righteous means."

Drizzt held the door to the hotel open, letting her outside.

"By what means?" She asked.

Drizzt walked beside her up the massive sets of stairs leading to the upper palace, where they would find Knox.

"No one is entirely sure. A couple ideas, maybe, but no one is sure. The king keeps the crown locked in the Vault beneath the throne room, reasoning that 'It's safer there.'"

Synika narrowed her eyes. "If no one but the family can wear it, then anyone who stole it would die upon wearing it, or just have to use it for a paperweight."

Drizzt laughed. "Exactly, exactly."

As they cleared the top of the second flight of palace steps, they bumped right into Knox himself, adorned in his shimmering blue armor.

"Oh, excuse me, I was just coming to find you." The man said, his deep, gruff voice echoing.

Drizzt tilted his head. "Indeed? Well, I have a proposition for you."

Knox nodded. "Back to the post, then." He turned and led them a few hundred feet straight back to his post outside. Once there, he pulled up three chairs, two facing his desk, and all of them sat.

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