Chapter 33

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I make my way to my car without saying anything to the reports, but then I hear something.

"Is it true that you're pregnant?" One-person yells from the crowd. I turn in shock, how could they know, but then realize that it was too late. They already knew the answer from my reaction. I run to my car and sit in there for a second, trying to calm down so that tears don't come running done.

I spend the rest of the day working and staying distracted. I don't tell Chlyer about the news. I wasn't sure why I did want to tell her. Was it cause deep down I still wanted to be how it was with Oliver, Chris the first to know? Was it because I was scared to admit I was pregnant with my cheating husband's baby?

She'll find out soon anyway, I thought to myself. When, I'm finally finished filming, I look down at my phone. There's another dozen missed calls from Chris. I ignore them as I also did and go to pick up Oliver. My mother had dropped him off at the daycare close to my house. We had brought him there occasionally.

I see him. He's one of the last children here. He usually is because most parents were here between the hours of four and five. I looked at my watch, it was seven o'clock. I look over and a woman is talking to him. He looks upset and I quickly walk over to him.

"Oliver. Are you alright?" I say basically running to him. His face was swollen from crying. He leaves the woman and runs towards me. He wraps his arms around my legs, and I look at the woman, confused has to what had happened.

"What happened?" I ask her, upset that Oliver is crying.

"Melissa," She sighs. I had spoken with her often; her name was Lisa and she had a daughter who was around Oliver's age. "There was a reporter." She says pausing. "I was just told by a worker that he been trying to talk to Oliver, and it was right around noon. Our busiest time of the day. One of the workers escorted him out once she saw what was happening. I didn't find this out until this afternoon. I'm very sorry. I will be having a meeting tomorrow about this incident." As she told me this, I looked down at Oliver who started to cry again, and I brushed his hair.

"A reporter?" I said unable to hide my regret for letting my mother drop him off here. I should have brought him to set. Lisa showed me an identical look of disappointment.

"They said that since daddy didn't love you that he didn't love me. They said that daddy loves someone else and that I was an orphan." He cried even harder. I looked from Lisa to my son. I lifted him up into my arms and I thanked Lisa before heading out. I tried calming him down in the car before we got home, but nothing helped.

When we finally got home, thankfully, the paparazzi weren't all over me. I got into the house smoothly. The first thing I did was set Oliver down, who was still crying, on the couch.

"Look at me Oliver." I say rubbing his knee, but he didn't look up. "Hey, Ollie, look at me." I said brushing his hair out of his face. He finally looked up, and I say his perfect blue eyes. They were swollen and quiet red from his tears.

"Is it true?" He whispered, keeping his eyes on mine.

"No, Ollie! It's not true. Daddy loves you so much! It kills him not being here." I assured him.

"Does he still love you? They said he doesn't." I sign and exhale, unsure what to say.

"Ollie, daddy loves us both. We are his family." I wasn't sure if this was true, but I wasn't about to say anything else. "You remember when he left?" I wait for Oliver to shake his head. "He said he loved us. He will always love us." I felt like this might be the best time to tell Oliver about the pregnancy news. Maybe it would help him get over this incidence.

"He does?" His voice shaked.

"Of course he does." I reassured him, "Never forget that, okay?"

"Okay." He said half smiling.

"Okay, Oliver, I have to tell you something." He looked at me curious. "Mommy is pregnant. You are going to have a baby brother or sister." Although it pained me that Chris wasn't the first to know this news, at least it was my son, who I loved with every in of my body.

"Is it dada's?" He asked, clearly about to become upset based on his expression.

"Of course it's daddy's!" I said with true laughter. Oliver smiled and began laughing as well. Everything felt so familiar and normal in this moment, and it seemed like something had changed, but then reality hit.

"Good!" he said hugging me. I held him tightly. Then, he let go and looked up at me again. His eyes were big.

"But, Oliver, never forget that we love you more than anything else." I told him, truly meaning it, "Will you promise me that?"

"I promise." He said smiling.

"Now, you can either help me with dinner or play with your toys until dinner." I smiled at him knowing what he would choose.

"TOYS!" he yelled running upstairs.

"No running in the house!" I yelled to him. I couldn't hold in my laughter, even though I genuinely didn't want him to get hurt.

"Sorry." I heard him say quietly with short laughter as he slowed down.

It has felt like months of torture, dealing with this issue, while it's actually only been a few weeks. I felt relief knowing that Oliver would be okay. The only thing was would I be okay?

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