Chapter 6

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I feel drowsy and tired as I open my eyes. I feel my hand being held, but I dare not move it. I feel my body ache with weakness. I turn my head and I see him. Chris was sitting there tense and focused. He immediately looks at me and stands to see me better. I can tell he has been crying because his eyes are still wet.

"How are you feeling?" Chris asks me brushing the hair out of my face. I sit up, barely, and look at him. I smile at him because I feel better. The pain is gone.

"Better now." Chris keeps brushing my hair and gives me a kiss on the hand. "What happened?" I ask him, unsure of anything after he had gotten me in the car. His tone changes to a serious voice that is low and steady.

"You" Chris says as tears well up in his eyes. What could make him so upset, I questioned. "You were pregnant." He says as a single tear runs down his face. I feel my stomach clench and flip with uneasiness.

"Were?" I say voice breaking into a sob. "I was pregnant? Meaning I...." I say looking at Chris though my tears. I feel a rush of emotion come on me. I couldn't speak.

"You had a miscarriage." He said crying and leaning his head against my mine as our foreheads touched. I closed my eyes squeezing them shut as tears keep running down my face. Chris climbs into my bed trying to keep it together, and to comfort me, but we both knew we were too upset to calm down quickly. He lays there holding me, squeezing my hand, brushing my hair, trying anything possible to help me. Nothing worked.

I stayed in the hospital for another day. The doctors came in twice telling us updates about "my condition", but I couldn't concentrate. I felt numb. Chris drove me home the next day and never left the house. He made phone calls to let the director I needed time off. He called Chlyer and my parents letting them know what had happened. Through the hours of sitting feeling a ton of emotions all at once but also feeling nothing entire, made me feel more myself.

Chris POV

"Hey, is it okay if I come in?" I said entering the doorway of our bedroom where Melissa had been most of the day.

"Yeah," she says with a slight, small smile. She sat up in bed and pulled her legs in towards herself as I came near her. I sat with some distance between us, unsure what was best for her. "How you are doing so well with this?" She says on the edge of crying some more.

"Because of you." I say rubbing her exposed knee. She gave me a confused look as if I was insane. "I am going to be strong for you." I continued with a serious tone that was also gentle. "I am your rock and although we just lost the greatest thing that has ever happen to us, we will get up stronger from this. We will get through it together. I know it's hard. God, I know it's hard..." I felt myself starting to get upset, but I reminded myself, this is the beginning of a lifetime. "I'll miss that tiny baby of ours every day, but the only way we can move on is if we get up and we keep going." I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly. "You had me scared that I has lost you, so now I'm just thankful you're alive, because I know we will have a family and our first beautiful baby girl," I smile in a goofy way "I think she would have been girl." I end with a laugh making her laugh and cry even harder. "that girl will never be forgotten, she helped us learn what we want, she showed us that when something happens, we have to be strong together to get through it." I takes a deep breath, and I see Melissa's face slowly light up. "Our next pregnancy, we will be prepared and ready for any obstacles that may come our way and we get to thank our baby girl who is happy in heaven right now." I close my eyes tightly, unsure if I'll keep the tears away. I extend my hands to her waiting for her to hold on to me. "So, will you join in looking up in the clouds and looking at our baby girl's home?" I feel the slightest tear roll down my cheek. Melissa rests her hand on my face and wipes it away, and then grabs my hands.

I help her up and he walk to the balcony. I keep my arm tight around her waist, unsure if she is back to normal in balance. We look up into the sky that is a beautiful blue. I look up and suddenly feel Melissa's eyes on me. I turn to look at her, and her smile is back, as beautiful as it was before.

"Our next pregnancy?" she says with a laugh causing me to laugh to.

"Oh my, Melissa, what I have in store for you." I say meaning every word. I feel her soft hands on my face, and I wrap both her arms around her embracing her with passion.

"I love you, Chris." She whispers, before kissing me. I look at her with happiness. I knew that this wouldn't be the first struggle we'd face, but I had hope that we would be prepared for the next one.

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