Chapter 42

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Suddenly we heard commotion coming from upstairs. We couldn't get up any faster as we ran into each other. We both hide in different places as we waited for Oliver to come down the stairs. All the decorations could be seen after you stepped down from the last step, so we both had our eyes glued for his reaction.

I heard his feet hit the steps and I could in vision him rubbing his eyes like he had always done every morning.

"Mama?" Oliver said trying to hear anyone. There was a cracking sound in the last step and once we heard that we both jumped out.

"Happy Birthday!" Chris and I shouted as Oliver faced us. His eyes were so huge. His mouth was wide open as he looked at every decoration.

He stood there for a second as Chris and I smiled with pride and accomplishment. We would look at each other then to Oliver on repeat. His eyes wandered through the house until they finally landed on the two of us.

Finally, Oliver ran to us. Chris and I were standing by each other at this point and Oliver wrapped his arms around our legs.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mama and daddy!" He said jumping up and down, now. We both knelt down to him, and I saw his mega smile. He leaned over to hug me and then to Chris who swooped him into his arms with much laughter.

"So, do you like it?" I asked him as Chris set him back on the ground. His eyes sparkled with pure happiness.

"Do I like it?" He said as his eyes glazed the house again, " I LOVE IT!" he said running around to touch every decoration. When he said this, he reminded me so much of Chris. Actually, know that I think of it. I believe Chris has said that before. I laugh to myself and Chris looks over at me.

"What?" Chris asks confused.

"He's just so much like you." I said as we started to walk into the kitchen. He started to laugh, but I had no idea why.

"Me? He is the spitting imagine of you, Mel." He said as we both looked at him running throughout the house, still.

His hair was a dirty blonde and he had blue/grey eyes. He did look like me, but he had the personality of Chris and I loved Chris's personality. It was the reason I fell in love with him.

"Well, he has your personality." I said grabbing his hand as we continued to watch Oliver in pure enjoyment.

"Thank goodness he does, sometimes you're a bore." He joked, but he couldn't hold in his laughter. I gave him a slight joking punch and laughed with him.

"You are something." I said as he put his arms around my waist and looked into my deep eyes.

"Yeah?" he simply said.

"Yeah." I said laughing, but he cut me off by kissing me passionately. I heard the chairs move and suddenly Chris and I stopped. We looked to where the sound was, and we saw Oliver on a chair that allowed him to see over the table.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked excited. We looked back at each and laughter filled the air.

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