Chapter 48

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Chris POV

After many hours, it was finally morning. The clock read 5:00 am and I could see the sunrise through the curtains. It was beautiful. I sat there looking through the window, alone. I sat there still upset with myself. Melissa had luckily fallen asleep and was soundly in my arms. I wish I could say there was nothing bothering me, but I still blamed myself.

Melissa, my wife, my partner, my best friend was hurt by this incident. God I was hurt. Everything we had was basically gone or destroyed. Ah, I hated picturing our place like that. I tried thinking of what it looked like the first day we moved in together, our wedding day, Oliver's birthday, any day but today.

The sheriff had sent squad cars to our home and took pictures which I glared at. Our frames, our family's priceless belongings, god knows what else. Each picture of the bareness that laid in our house mocked me.

I couldn't sleep, even though both Melissa and Sheriff Stilinski basically begged me to. I never wanted to sleep again. I had to protect them, Melissa and Oliver. God, we have another one on the way. I need to protect all of them. I should have been there, god dammit.

"Chris?" I looked down at a sleepy Melissa. She smiled as she rubbed her eyes awake. She kept her head rested in my lap and I smiled down at her. She was so perfect; how could I leave her unprotected. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I quickly said before she poked more at my thoughts. "Sheriff Stilinski said we could head home soon just a half hour or so more." She smiled at my statement and lifted her head so it was on my shoulder. We sat like this and I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking.


We drive home later and took all that we could carry, even though there wasn't much, and went over to my parent's house.

Oliver was better and the therapist at the station said he should be fine with no PTS. We were both grateful for that. Although, I believe this news relieved Chris more than myself, which is saying a lot.

We had little left. Remembering what our place was compared to what I stood in, it truly hurt me, luckily but the most valuable stuff the thieves didn't touch. We found Oliver's photo album, our wedding picture, mine and Chris's first check from our first gigs, my glee goodbye album, and Chris's vampire dairies family picture, and many important papers.

We had to spend many weeks at my parents house and we hated it, but we couldn't be picky based on our situation. Although we were living with my parents, we were lucky we had somewhere to go, while others may not have been so lucky.

This time gave Oliver a chance to bond more with his grandparents, but with this disaster Chris and I had to work twice as many hours to get enough money to afford another house. It felt like it was tearing us apart.

One night, after stress crying in the shower, I laid awake staring at the ceiling.

Chris and I sleep in different places in their house since there was only one extra bed and we both refused to call it our own. Oliver stayed in that bed while I slept beside him. Chris insisted that he sleep on the main level in the living room, but I knew he didn't actually get much sleep. Since we worked on different project, we'd only be together during dinner- if we got home approximately at the same time- or getting ready for bed. Basically, we barely saw each other.

I felt so lost as I laid there during this long night. I knew if I did get any sleep it wouldn't be until I heard Chris come home. In the silence, I put my hand on my stomach, 'atleast I have you' I thought.

At least I had this little human who was innocent and special inside of me to keep me going. I wasn't depressed, I was just broken. After all we accomplished, all I accomplished, it was just simply gone.

The last week went by and after what seemed like years of hard work, we found a house we could afford. It seemed like the prefect one. We had taken the day off on that Saturday to look at it.

Oliver went running through the house as Chris and I looked at it for the fifth time this week. It was beautiful with four rooms, three bathrooms, and a garage. It was everything we could have wanted, and we could finally afford it.

"So, is this home?" Oliver said running back into the room. Chris looked at me as I looked at him. I shrugged indicating 'why not'.

"Yeah, buddy this is our new home!" Chris said picking up Oliver and running up the stairs. I took out my phone to check the time. The realtor stared at us in anticipation.

"We'll take it!" I said to the realtor with a smile. She smiled back and walked out, started making calls. I followed them up the stairs to see where they had gone.

"Mama! Mama! Can I have this room?!" Oliver yells running to grab me from the hallway and pull me into a room. It wasn't the master bedroom, so I agreed.

"So, what are we envisioning for this big 5 year-old room." Chris asked with mysterious in his voice as he walked in front of us. He stood there with his hand on his chin, looking at the walls. Oliver walked next to him looking around the room as well. He looked up at Chris and copied him. His small hand on his chin looking in the same direction. I smiled and quickly got out my phone to take a picture.

Within a week of working day and night, we were so excited that we had moved in and gotten it all done in time. I finally was getting put on bed rest and starting my maternity leave while Chris had booked a variety of commercial gigs.

The final touch to make this our home occurred on the first night that Chris and I first slept in the same bed together. We were both exhausted, but his body against mine with his arm around me was the best feeling. It made me feel complete. It made our home feel complete. I smiled as I felt my eye lids close.

We were finally happy again. Chelsey's death and the robbery had made us feel like our world was destroyed, but now we were finally home.

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