Chapter 38

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We spent the rest of the day doing normal things. Being together felt amazing and I enjoyed every moment. Chris sat down with Oliver to help him with his homework. Although, Chris was confused himself they worked it out.

It seemed simple, coloring in the lines that corresponded with the numbers, but as usual Chris became his goofy self and over thought everything.

Later that night, I tucked Oliver into bed and Chris got ready for bed. Oliver had been really easily to get in bed since Chris had been home. There was no goodnight stories or stories about daddy or mommy. He was content with his life and it showed.

I, then, got ready for bed. I had not gained much weight, which concerned me, but we had a check up this week. I got off the scale and moved into our room. I couldn't help the thinking, was my baby okay?

I sat up in bed, next to Chris and looked at him. He was focused on something on his phone. He was pretty intensely looking, but I could not see what he was looking at.

"What you are looking at?" I said picking up my own phone and scrolling through meaningless notifications.

"Oh, I'm looking up ideas for Oliver's birthday." He said casually.

"Oh my gosh, Chris! That's in two weeks!" I said with panic, completely forgetting about my own son's birthday. "We haven't done anything!" Chris looked up and placed his phone in his lap.

"Mel, calm down. I am ahead of it." He said grabbing my hand and calming me down. His expression showed no concern unlike how mine probably looked.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and curious.

"I purchased all the decorations. They should be here by the end of the week." He said picking up his phone with his free hand, refusing to retract his other hand which was interlocked with mine. "I am looking at cakes now, want to help?" He said smiling and looking back up at me. I was kind of shocked and in awe of him.

"You did all that?" I said even though I knew the answer, since he had just told me. I chuckled at his determination for this party.

"Yeah, now you want to help with cake?" He raised his left eyebrow before continuing, "We're getting a cool one." He said winking at me and letting go of my hand. He pulled back his arm for me to comfortable lean into his embrace.

"We are?" I joke with him.

"Of course! He is our son; he will only get the best!" He said excited and loud, but not loud to wake Oliver. I hushed him through my giggled.

I moved over into his side and got comfortable as his arms wrapped around my back, keeping me steady. His hand rested just above my waist.

We pick out a car cake; and that was all I wanted, but Chris insisted that we needed superhero cupcakes in addition to it. He finally won me over with the idea and we finally decided it was best to get both.

The next morning, Chris and I got Oliver ready for school and dropped him off early. It was mostly because we were excited to see our baby. I had an appointment and the doctor had told me this was the time we could find out the gender.

WE drove to the doctor's and of course Chris was at the edge of his seat. Oliver was going to be four and we were going to have another child right after.

We agreed that we wanted to know the gender, so we could pick out the perfect name. This was mainly Chris's requested but I couldn't shoot down his excitement.

When we arrived, Chris jumped out of the car to open the door for me. Then, we walked in and sat in the waiting room until we heard my name.

I laid on the table and held Chris's hand. The nurse got everything set up while we waited. The room was eerily quiet, but our excitement made it feel homie.

"What do you think?" I asked him with enthusiasm evident in my voice. Chris turned to face me with confusion across his face.

"About what?" He asked, not getting what I meant.

"Girl or boy?" I say with a laugh.

"Why are we betting on our child's gender?" He asked giving me a kiss on the forehead. His goofy voice made me laugh harder.

"Because whoever is wrong is paying for lunch." I giggled with delight as Chris brushed the hair out of my face.

"Alright. Sounds fair." He said smiling and joining me with light laughter. "Girl."

"Okay, well I bet it's another boy. It's not like I don't want another one of you." I said laughing and squeezing his hand.

"That's true. The world could always use more of me." He said jokingly. I laughed harder and pushed him away playfully. We both were laughing and I felt a small pain as I wheezed for air.

Then the doctor walked in. We both greeted her, and she got started with the examination. She poured the gel on my stomach and we waited with anticipation.

The gel was cold, but it didn't bother me. She put the wand over the gel. The heartbeat was strong, and we could all heart. The sound excited Chris, while it gave me relief.

"So, you told me last appointment that you wanted to know the gender, correct?" She said looking only at me. I nodded as Chris interrupted.

"Yes!" Chris yelled even though the question was directed at me. I nodded my head in agreement as the doctor looked from Chris to me.

"Well, Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Wood you are having-

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