#Chapter 17: Merely Pretence?

Start from the beginning

I was practically smiling as I walked home. My footsteps were faster towards home. I can’t wait to have a lovely dinner with mum. Seeing her now, had lifted all sorts of hatred towards her. I felt that I could forgive her. I was so excited to see her. I’ve never felt this happy before coming back to my home. But unfortunately, my happiness came to an end.

My footsteps felt heavier and my heart started pounding loudly as I saw the scene in front of me.

No the hell way! This must be dream!

Right in front of my house, stationed several police cars and ambulances. Barricade tape was around my house. I was just in time to see the paramedics rolling a stretcher out from the house to the ambulances. I rushed towards them to stop them.

“Young lady! You’re not supposed to be here!” one of the men said.

I open my mouth to say something but couldn’t. I wanted to badly lift up the cloth covering the person but I couldn’t. I was too scared to face the truth. My hands and legs felt paralyzed. As if knowing my fear, the wind blew off the cloth slightly, revealing the person beneath. I gasped and began sobbing. This couldn’t be real!! She can’t be dead! She was fine this morning!!

“MOM!!! WHY?!!” I yelled with tears came rushing down my cheeks like waterfall.

My whole body felt numb and it fell to the ground just like that. The paramedics just looked at me with pity in their eyes. I held her hands in a death gripped, never wanting to let her go. She couldn’t just live me alone like this. When I thought she had finally changed, she had to just leave me! Why is the world so cruel!! I never had the chance to properly bond with her!!

I felt myself being held tenderly by a police officer. He had to drag me all the way to the nearest bench and sat me down. He sighed and patted my back, trying to comfort me. My mum had been evil to me since I was 12 but then I thought after what happened last week; she had changed for the better. I was saddened by her sudden death.

“I’m sorry child for your loss. Your neighbour heard a loud crashing thud and called us. We went here and found your mother… dead, overdose of drugs.” He said, whispering towards the end.

I whimpered when I heard the word ‘drugs’. She has been sober since the past week. What had happen to let her take drugs back? I shook my head sadly. I thought that for the first time she had chosen the correct path, trying to be a good mother to me but now it’s not. I felt anger engulfed me as thought about my life with her. She was such a bad mother! How can she do this to me?! Doesn’t she love me at all? What was this morning then? Merely pretence?


(Blake’s Pov)

I was stuck in the hospital for two days. I’ve been waiting since Sunday and now Monday but Jennifer didn’t show up at all. I noticed that every time I mentioned Jennifer, the boys would just looked around or just change the topic. I’m worried if something had happen to her. I stared out of the window. I was too immersed in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Tyler and Jeremy came in.

“Blake? Are you awake?” Tyler asked.

I broke my glance away from the window to him. I faced him and saw worry in his eyes. Jeremy just looked blankly at me, studying me.

“Hrm? What’s wrong?” I asked

“Ah? What do you mean bro? hahaha” he said uneasily.

His foot was fidgeting uncomfortably. I could see that he was forcing himself to smile. He was looking at Jeremy for help but Jeremy just shrugged. I stared at Tyler, waiting for him to break any moment. I counted down.  3…2…1 He let out a sighed and slumped him shoulders down.

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