The seat (3)

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At first, I didn't know what to think because it wasn't that he didn't know right? He was the last person to come into class so he must have seen that all the seats were full.

To a human, with a properly working brain, it should have meant that the seat he was putting his butt on was taken.

Like waking up late and leaving home without breakfast had not been bad enough. Now I had to deal with this. Then people wondered why I didn't like school.

I walked up to what was supposed MY table and stood there, half expecting him to notice my presence. The longer I stood there waiting, the more hungry I felt and you know what they say, a hungry man is an angry man.

I was giving him the benefit of doubt though. Maybe he just didn't realize the seat was taken or he hadn't thought about it when he came in. Whatever the case might have been, he didn't notice me at all.

Infant, I decided he was just ignoring me because my shadow was right over his face so he must have noticed the sudden change in light intensity, right? Taking a deep breath and trying my best to calm myself, I tapped him.

"Excuse me." I said folding my arms at my stomach and raising an eyebrow at him. I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to say anything to him. That he would just take a hint, get up and go away and hopefully not say anything to me in the process.

Blondie finally looked up at me, put on a smirk and removed only one of his earphones.

"What is he smiling about?" I asked myself. Was he finding it funny? Maybe he done that on purpose to get to me? If that was the case then he was just sick in the head.

"Ok. Let's not get paranoid now." I said to myself. Then in the most calm, composed and polite tone I could master, I said to him,

"You're in my seat. Please move so I can settle in before class starts."

"There is a free seat in the front sweetheart. You can go sit there." He said in his Australian accent.

I couldn't believe the nerve of that guy. The one time I actually talked to someone besides Andy in school it just had to be him. I was just dying to ask him if he was pretending to be stupid or just really dumb.

I looked around to see if anyone was seeing this but the only one who seemed to notice what was going on was the kid with the afro who was sitting next to me the day before and instead of saying something, he slowly sank lower in his sit when I looked over at him for support. Coward! I took a deep breath and said,

"Look, I came earlier than you did yesterday and this is the seat that I chose. So please excuse me." I was surprised that I sounded much calmer than I actually was.

I was trying my best to keep my cool but I was getting really mad. Mad that I had missed breakfast and come to school only to be disrespected by a blonde blue-eyed jerk! Who did he think he was? We didn't even know each other!

"I am sorry love but if I am to leave this seat you are going to have to carry me out of it." He said leaning back into the chair. "You might have been the early bird yesterday but today, it was me so I got the worm fair and square." He replied with the most smug look on his face.

Huh! the nerve of that boy. I couldn't believe my ears. That's not how it worked and he knew it. I was just about to argue when Ms. Agatha walked in.

"Good morning. Let's settle down so we can begin. Young lady, please take you seat."

I didn't want to argue with the teacher or seem like a snitch so I shot blondie a death glare then walked to the front of the class where he had been seated the day before, dropped my bag on the floor and slid into the empty seat.

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