Chapter 9

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Everybody was so deeply immersed in conversation they almost forgot about my presence which was in fact good thing for me. In fact, it was great because then I could concentrate on my food without being involved in an unwanted conversation or exposing my antisocial behaviour.

I just kept looking around the table once in a while to see everyone's expressions when someone said something silly or shocking but otherwise I was just enjoying my chicken and fries.

Penny, Andy and Holly seemed to get along quite well. They kept high-fiving when they agreed on something which was most of the things they were talking about,

"Finally! Someone who gets it!" One of them would shout occasionally. When it was Andy who said it and the conversation was about something he knew I wouldn't agree on, he would stick his tongue out at me and I would return the gesture.

Our table was probably the loudest in the restaurant. Atleast second to the group of football players who looked like they were from Grace High. They were wearing their team uniform and shouting stuff in really loud British accents.

Grace high was the only British school in the area and so usually, all the transfer students from Europe or like kids whose parents moved from England to work here or whatever would be taken to study there.

Most of the kids we ever heard speaking in a British accent we would assume were from Grace High.

We were done by about six fifty and heading out. The moment I got out, the cold breeze hit me and my body shook a little so I rubbed my hands against my arms to get a bit of warmth.

"Hey, are you cold?" Donnie asked as he quickly took off his school jacket and put it around me.

"No, no, no. It's ok. I have a jacket. Thanks." I said shrugging it off me and quickly getting my jacket out of my bag then putting it on. I hadn't even noticed that he was walking behind me.

"Oh ok. Good then." He said taking it back slowly as if wondering if one jacket is enough or if i need an extra one.

"Yeah, just....keep your jacket." '.....and distance.' I was itching to add.

"Soooo..... what are you doing tomorrow?" Donnie asked now walking backwards in front of me. He looked really funny I almost let out a laugh but I recovered quickly.

"Ummm...." I said racking my brain for a lie, "We have soccer practice." I said to him trying to make my lie look convincing because the next day was a Saturday.

"What? No we don't. It's a Saturday." Holly said looking at me like I had completely lost my mind. I sighed.

'Thanks a lot Holly!'

"Great! How about a movie then?" He asked smiling at me after my not-so-perfect lie had been exposed.

"Fine." I groaned. "What movie?" I asked which made his expression change.

"Ummmm....." He said scratching the back of his neck and smiling to the ground a bit embarrassed, "I hadn't thought that far yet. I didn't think you would say 'yes'." Then turned to walk normally.

Saturday morning

Donnie had texted and said he would be at the door by eleven in the morning and when I woke up and squinted my eyes as hard as I could, I managed to see that my clock read ten o'clock. An hour was enough so I got up and run to the bathroom to wash up.

Then I run through my clothes and picked out a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt that I tied into a knot at the waist. When I looked through the shoes on my rack, I couldn't find a pair of flats that I was satisfied with so instead, I threw on some white sneakers.

I decided I was going to wear my hair up in a messy bun. When I looked in the mirror, I was happy with my outfit so I put on some lip gloss, placed my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and grabbed my black denim jacket then headed down stairs.

I still had about fifteen minutes so I sat to catch up on Crash Landing on You. I knew I wouldn't be able to go far into the episode because it was 45 minutes long but I had nothing else to do so I made myself comfortable and pressed play.

Just as expected, I had only gone so far into it when I heard the door bell ring. I switched off the tv, grabbed my peach leather bag and got out the door.

"Good morning." I heard him say as I fidgeted with the strap of my bag.

"Good mor....." my attention was cut off when I looked up and saw Donnie in a black v-neck t-shirt that sat so perfectly on his body showing off his large biceps, muscular torso and beautifully tanned skin. Totally a football player's body. He had on light blue jeans with black sneakers. I hadn't noticed that I was staring until he cleared his throat and let out a little laughed.

"I totally wasn't staring." I said so quickly I didn't even get time to think about it.

'Nice save Laura.' I said to myself and rolled my eyes in my head.

"Totally." He said with a smirk and motioned to the side walk. "Shall we?"

"Yeah sure." I said running off the veranda and onto the side walk to hide my embarrassment.

My face must have been really red because it felt so hot I started to fan it. Donnie walked quietly behind me but I could feel that he was watching me so I took deep breaths to try and calm myself then when I had finally gained composure, I turned to face him.

"So....what movie are we watching?" I said with a smile. Trying to look as friendly as possible and when I did he smiled back.

"Ummmm....Hobbs and Shaw." He said and I raised an eyebrow which made him frown a bit."Do you not like it? We could do Jumanji or something instead?" He added quickly.

"What? No! Are you kidding?! I have been dying to watch Hobbs and Shaw for like ever! It's just...."

"It's just?" He mimicked looking at me curiously.

"It's just...who takes a girl to watch Hobbs and Shaw?" I said trying my best to contain my laughter.

"Well....ummmm...." He looked so embarrassed I decided to deliver him from the conversation.

"Never mind. Let's go." I said falling in line beside him and happily walking along. The cinema was about a fifteen minutes walk from my house so it wasn't such a tiring journey.

When we got there, we bought tickets but we were twenty minutes early so we decided to walk around as we waited.

"Here, hold this for me. I need to go to the the little ladies' room." I said handing him my bag and ticket.

"Little ladies' room?" He repeated with a little laugh in his tone and amusement on his face. I had just embarrassed myself twice in an hour and a half. I really hoped I wouldn't get any worse.

"I mean.... ladies' room." I smiled shyly and run off into the nearest washroom I could find. I was really making a mess of myself that day.

After I got out, I bumped hard into someone who was walking by and stumbled back. When I felt like I was just about to fall, I was caught by a firm hand.

"Wooo....slowly there." A familiar voice said as its owner steadied me. After I caught my balance, I looked up ready to say thank you to him until my eyes landed on the face of my 'saviour'.

"You're that girl from the hallway incident." He said surprised and I was in disbelief. How dare he call it an 'incident' as if it was unintentional. Like it was some kind of misunderstanding.

"Just my luck!" I mattered under my breath in disgust.

Author's note;
I know I said I would have like a time jump but I have decided to postpone it. Its still there I mean but it will come eventually.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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