Mental notes (5)

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In the middle of the Biology class, I received a note from the back of the class. It must have been from blondie because when I turned he was smiling so mischievously, it gave me goosebumps. 

I was curious as to what nonsense he was going to entertain me with. Unfortunately, I didn't get to find out because I had barely began to unfold it when the teacher swiped it out of my hands.

"Ms. Danlam, writing love notes in my class I see." He said unfolding it and running his eyes over the small white sheet of paper. I was blushing so hard out of embarrassment, I could have been mistaken for a tomato.

"Be sure to see me after the lesson. Understand?" He said looking at me from over his glasses .

"Yes sir." I said in a low tone, and looked back at my notebook but not before sneaking a death glare at the guy that got me in this mess in the first place.

After the lesson, I got out of class behind the teacher then he stopped so suddenly I almost bumped into him. When he turned, he said very calmly,

"I do not want that kind of behavior in my class. So if you feel like you have a conversation you need to have or finish, please excuse yourselves from my class. Have I made myself clear Ms. Danlam?"

"Yes sir. I promise it won't happen again." I took a mental note to strangle blondie later. I didn't even want to go back to class just yet so I headed to the infirmary and told the school nurse I was having really bad cramps so she would let me rest.

I heard the bell for end of classes that was my cue. I waited a few minutes to avoid the traffic in the halls then got my sports gear from my locker and speed walked to the field because i was late for the soccer trials that I had doomed myself to doing just to maintain a lie. I sighed.

What has my life come to? I'm doing sports now. 

The girls' locker room was nothing too special. Plain white walls and a very soft shade of purple. Lavender, Lilac? I'd never been the best at shades but it was simple and pretty. 

I set my bag down on the bench and pulled of my top so I could change. I was grateful it was just me so I could change quickly and leave.

From the entrance of the field, watching all the other girls that were trying out for the team do their drills made me feel so self-conscious. They were all dressed in proper soccer outfits which could not be said for me in my royal blue shirt, random black shorts which were probably Andy's and black All Star converses. 

It was the closest to a sports outfit I could find. I started to feel, even more than earlier that I really did not belong there. They all looked so professional, like they had been doing this for years and I'd only been doing it for never at all. The older girls on the team were watching their potential teammates so intensely. I could feel the intimidation all the way from where i was standing.

I couldn't get myself to move any closer to the team. I knew I was going to suck and embarrass myself but I was not going to be a wuss. I was not a wuss. Now all I had to do was to actually get my legs to believe that.

                                                                Move, you stupid legs! 

"T'sup, sweetheart.", a familiar voice said from beside me causing me to jump.

"What the hell?! How long have you been standing there for?" I yelled. Holding my chest in an attempted to keep my heart from what felt like escaping. "You almost gave me a heart attack, you idiot!"

Blondie chuckled.

"Your face was priceless. I should have taken a picture. Anyway, so you want to try out for soccer, eh princess?"

"Were you stalking me?" I asked, looking back at the soccer team that was now getting ready to start the tryouts. 

"On the contrary sweetheart, I was taking a walk around the school and I happened to see you standing here." He said with a poke to my arm.

Ouch. I thought as a rubbed it. I had sensitive arms.

"What you did in class today wasn't funny." I said in a disapproving tone, "Don't make me hate being here more than I already do, okay?" 

As if everything I ever say means just flew over his head, he completely ignored me.

"You know, it would be really entertaining for me if you were part of the team so....," he replied before he shoved me into the field.

"Hey!" I shouted as turned to look at him. Before I could understand what was going on, I felt something hit me hard in the face. It stung like hell and I went crashing down to the ground, landing elbow first. I sat up and held my head. It felt so heavy and my skin stung like hell.

After I regained my eyesight, I looked around and there was a big shadow over me. People had gathered around but I couldn't make out what they were saying. All I could hear was muffled sounds.

"Are you okay?" One voice finally cleared out. A girl's voice. As my vision slowly returned, I began to make out her features. Long black hair tied back in a high ponytail falling over her left shoulder, pale skin and brown eyes filled with concern as she held out her hand to me. She was pretty.

Of course that's what I'd be thinking even when I possibly might have a concussion.

"Besides my head filling like it might explode, I think I'm good." I said taking it to support myself up. 

She let out a slight laugh. It was a pretty one as well.

"Sorry about that. We have new people trying out today and some have terrible aim.", she admitted. 

"Hey! I said at the goal!" she yelled at a trainee.

"It's alright. It's that jerk's fault anyway." I said, turning to look at the gate where the cause of all my misfortune had been standing but he had disappeared. That jerk couldn't even wait to see if I was okay when this was all his fault.

"Had you come to try out as well? We still have open slots on the team." She sounded friendly. I wasn't sure if I wanted to anymore but just as I was about to say something, she exclaimed,

"Oh my God! Your elbow is bleeding. Let's get you to the infirmary to get that checked out, okay? Come on." and she pulled me away from the field, into the school building and straight to the infirmary. When we got there, the nurse looked at me and smiled. I could see it on her face. 'Not even two hours?'  After she was done and had put on a band aid, the girl I had come with walked out with me.

"I'm Penny, by the way. What's your name?" She said, holding out her hand with a sincere smile.

"Laura." I said as I took it.

"You can't do Tryouts today. I think you have had enough for one day but you could come early tomorrow so you don't have to wait too long. I will be here, okay? See you then, Laura." She said with a bright smile and skipped off without giving me a chance to respond.

"Bye." I said to her disappearing shadow in the hallway. I took another mental note. Actually, two.

1. I was going to strangle blondie before but now I'm just going to dismember him and burn his body.

2. Penny was a lot but I was still going to try out for the team because I wasn't a wuss.

Hey guys, I am really sorry that I haven't posted in like forever but I had a concert I was doing at my church so that's where I have been everyday till late for the passed like three weeks and I'd be very tired when I came back but I love you all so much. I hope you enjoyed the update and I will do my best to keep posting regularly



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