Chapter 21

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I grabbed my jacket from the locker in such a hurry and slammed it so hard it didn't shut the first time.

I was so late for my arrangement with Donnie, I couldn't believe it. He must have been waiting at home for about thirty minutes. 

'Atleast, he is waiting at home and not at some random place so he had company, right?'

Wrong! Mum had a night out with her girls and dad didn't come home for another hour or so. Let's not even talk about Andy.

'Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!'

I pulled my phone out of my back to pocket and sent him a quick text.

Laura: Hey, I'm so sorry. I'll be there in about ten minutes. It's a long story.

I tried to fix it into back into the pocket but I couldn't even find that. I was a huge mess. It was crazy.

Earlier that day

I got to school early enough to walk at my own pace from the entrance to my locker and then to class. I even had time for a short trip to the bathroom.

When I got to class, there were about five students in but Shaun and Arthur weren't among them so I could even get comfortable without awkward glances and unwanted conversations.

I sat down, took my earphones out and scrolled through the long list Netflix series I was yet to finish then settled with The Witcher.

As you can imagine, my peace obviously didn't last long so half way through my episode I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was honestly hoping it wasn't Arthur.

'It's Tuesday, right? I'm seated in the right place, aren't I?"

First seat in the front. I was in the right place. 'So what could he possibly want from me?'

I decided to pretend I hadn't felt the tap and continued to watch my episode but the tap came again and again and again. I sighed and pulled out my earphones.

"Jesus Christ! Arthur, can't you see that I am occupied?!" 

"If I were Arthur, I probably would have ." A very very familiar voice answered. The one and only bully was standing over me with a smirk that I would have very much enjoyed slapping off of his (dare i admit it) handsome face.

'What's his name again? Andrew?' I sighed deeply.

"What are you doing here?"

"Umm....I'm pretty sure the tuition I paid gives me access every facility in this school so...."

I responded sarcastically, "Well isn't that just great for you." and picked up my earphones. Before I could put them back in, he pulled them away and I almost dropped my phone AGAIN!!!!!

"What is your problem?" I yelled and the few people that were in the class looked over at us. He didn't seem to mind the attention.

"This," I shoved my phone screen in his face and pointed at the faint crack, "is also your fault. Do you want my phone screen to shatter before you leave me alone?!"

He seemed a bit shocked by reaction  but his expression very quickly morphed into one of amusement. "Not my intention but lets just say that your phone can't help falling for me."

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