Chapter 18

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Once I had been led into an empty class and the door shut behind us, I turned only to come face to face (more like face to chest) with blondie who then took a step back and bent down so he was at eye level with me.

"I saved your butt this time so you can't hold the last time against me." He said and handed me my phone with a smug look on his face.

I didn't even waste time bickering with him. As soon as he stretched his hand out to give it to me, I grabbed it.

"Oh finally! My baby, are you okay?" I said checking every inch of it for even the tiniest scratch or crack. Well, the ones that weren't already existent anyway. Just as I was about to let out a sigh of relief, BAM! There it was. Running from the left bottom corner to the middle of the screen, the most straight and faint crack you ever saw.

"NO! No, no, no, no. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????!!!!!!" I cried out holding my phone to my chest in the most dramatic way possible. Blondie wasn't shaken though. He simply stood there and looked at me in amusement.

"You are so dramatic, you know that? I bet the drama club would welcome you with open arms." He said walking over to me and peeping over my shoulder to see what was I was crying about. After observing for a few seconds, he stepped back, crossed his arms over his chest and looked up at me with a smile. As his eyebrow raised, I guessed what he said next.

"Don't you think you are over reacting? You can barely even see the crack." A chuckle actually escaped from his mouth as he said this.

'Over reacting?!' I scoffed in disbelief.

"You saw it though." I said matter-of-factly.

"Fair enough but," he said thoughtfully, looking for an explanation, "only because I looked hard enough. Someone else would not be able to see it. Especially if that wasn't their focus and I doubt people are going to be sitting there looking for the crack on your phone when you walk into class anyway."

I had to admit, he did have a point there but to be honest, other people seeing the crack wasn't the problem. It's that I would be able to see the crack and it would drive me crazy.

"Anyway, I thought you'd skipped school today. Where've you been all morning?"

'Wait! Did I just ask where blondie was?' No, let me rephrase that, 'Did I just show a hint of care for the events of blondie's life?' I even felt a chill run down my spine.

"That was the plan." He said, thinking for a bit then continued, "but I got bored so here I am for last period. I also remembered that there would be burgers in the cafeteria today which now reminds me, ciao!" That 'ciao' was said when he was at the door and then out before I could say anything. I didn't even know how he got past me to the door.

"FOODIE!!!" I yelled as the door closed then looked back at my 'now-cracked' screen, sighed and followed blondie out the door. I couldn't even figure out what I was supposed to be doing during lunch hour anymore so I just headed back to class.

Just as I slid into my seat, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Mum: Okay. Careful on your way home and don't stay out too late.

I had totally forgotten that I had to meet Goofy after soccer until I saw that message. Our last period moved  as fast as a slug, no, a sloth can go! It was horrible. Five minutes felt like five hours. I bet watching a plant grow would have been more interesting than that lesson.

After I had given up on my hopeless attempt to pay attention, I decided to turn and stare at goofy with the hope of making him feel so uncomfortable he would not want to talk to me after all. I wasn't willing to die of boredom and especially not in a history class. I didn't even understand why we studied the damn subject in the first place.

'How are we supposed to move forward if we are made to look back at people from the past that don't even know we exist?'

Staring clearly didn't scare him off because he was sitting on the bleachers from the beginning of practice up till the end. Instead, I was the one feeling uncomfortable. What a turn of events! I was hoping soccer practice went on till late so he would give up and leave but no. In fact, it ended 15 minutes early because coach apparently had a "date". Just my luck.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there was something wrong with coach or her dating life but I knew she didn't have a date. A date is just the only thing it would take for the girls to let her go home early. She wanted to catch the season finale of desperate housewives that was showing that day.

Usually, she ended up staying late after practice because she was like an older sister and confidant to team so the girls always enjoyed filling her in on how their days had been and all the gossip they had collected. From time to time they'd even make her buy them pizza by whining for 30 minutes straight and trying to move her with puppy dog eyes which, if I may add, were more funny than cute.

"Did you think I was going to disappear right after soccer? Geez! Your eyes were glued." I said walking past where goofy was seated and heading back into the school building. I was careful enough to whisper that last part under my breath.

"It wouldn't be a shocker though, would it?" He asked, I think mockingly and I turned to give him dagger eyes which he would have seen if he were looking at me but as soon as I turned, his face dropped.

'Nice to see we're not looking each other in the eye again. What's so interesting about the ground anyway?' I scoffed and walked on to my locker. Goofy followed quietly behind me till we were out of the building.

"Okay." I said turning so suddenly he almost bumped into me. He managed to hold himself back at the expense of my new pair of WHITE timberlands.

"Sorry." He said very faintly, only looking up at me for a second, probably to see my expression.

'You're not going to be mean to him. You're not going to be mean to him.' I repeated to myself, took a deep breath in and out then looked at my phone to see the time.

"Okay. You have only one hour so, where are we going?" I asked him, with the sweetest tone I could master and a smile so forced, my mouth hurt from the strain and I thought it was going tear.

'You're not a jerk. It might have started out horribly but we'll make this work, Laura.'

Author's note

I know I promised you guys this update yesterday and I am so sorry. Here it is. I hope you enjoy it. Please don't forget to vote (little star at the end), comment and follow if you aren't already. Please share with family and friends if you like my book.

Love you all.
Till next time.

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