Chapter 13

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His house was much more beautiful than ours. The walls were pale yellow with paintings that looked like they belonged in a museum hung on them. There was a framed picture of a little boy with glasses a little too big for him wearing a red sweater with white stripes standing next to a beautiful lady with Ebony skin and a slim figure just like the goofy kid's.

I know he had just told me his name but I couldn't be bothered to change the way I referred to him. They were standing in the snow so it must have been during Christmas season. The picture was hung above the fire place which had a small fire flickering in it and I found this very weird because we were almost going into the summer so it was a bit hot.

I hadn't realised I had stopped and was staring until goofy (I was going to stick to that. It sounded better than goofy kid) asked me if I was okay.

"What? Yeah! Totally." I said following him into the kitchen, "You have a lovely home."

"Really?" His face brightened up and he looked up at me for the first time but almost as soon as he did, his head fell back down and said, "Thanks." In his usual whisper and pushed his glasses back up his nose.

*sigh* 'This is going to be a long day'

"There is waffles if you want some." He said as he turned away from me trying to avoid the awkwardness.

'Okay goofy, well played. You have my attention.'

"What kind of waffles?" I asked lifting a brow which was something my brother and I always did when we were curious.

"Ummm....blueberry." He said opening the fridge.

' lost me.'

Why, you ask? Because I am terribly allergic to blueberries. My face swells up like a balloon and so does my tongue. I won't be able to breathe and will go through basically all that other ugly stuff that happens to people with allergies. You just don't want to be the one around when that happens.

"Yeah, if you want to kill me." I replied rolling my eyes and walking back to the living room to put my bag down.

"I-I thought we could do the project in the study instead." He said quietly when he saw me put my bag down.

"But......I like this place." I said with a pout then realised that I was whining which was really embarrassing. Andy says he had rather hear continuous screeching than my whining but for a second there, I thought I saw goofy smile or try to suppress a laugh? I wasn't sure though. It disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.

"Okay then let me get my stuff from the study." Then he walked out of the room and appeared about five minutes later with a Romeo and Juliet copy and another small notebook probably to write the essay or points in or something.

"H-have you read the book yet?" He asked looking at the cover of mine which was lying on top of my laptop across the small coffee table in the middle of the living room.

I had honestly read the book in like ninth grade so I had brought my laptop because I thought we could watch the movie instead.

"Yeah. Have you?" I asked looking up at him and he nodded.

"Okay, so I thought we could watch the movie as well then discuss our opinions on the book." I opened my laptop as I said this and looked for the movie in my files.

"Is there a way of connecting this to your tv?" I asked and he observed my laptop probably for the HDMI slot then took it over to the tv and connected it before he sat down a few inches away from me in the brown leather sofa facing the screen.

When we got to the part where Romeo took the poison and the kissed Juliet, I face palmed and sighed a bit too loudly. I really tried to like this story but I just couldn't find it in me. The end credits showed a few minutes later and goofy went to take it off but not before letting out a heavy breath that he seemed to have been holding in.

"So, w-what do you think?" He asked still as quietly as every other time he talked.

"Shakespeare is a good writer but this story was just bogus. I mean, why the hell did Romeo take the poison before kissing Juliet? Why didn't Juliet just make a plan with Romeo to escape from the palace without having to go through all that crap? Why didn't she tell him what the plan was so he wouldn't kill himself? If she really loved him, she should have thought about what he would do when she died."

"I think it is very poetic and romantic. There had to be sacrifices and that is what relationships are supposed to be like. If they had escaped together then they would both be hunted." He defended, this time looking right at me.

"She should have shared her plan with him before she went on to carry it out." I yelled like I always did when I had conversations about stories like this that frustrated me.

"Yeah? Well, where is the fun in that?" He yelled back.

"You, Shakespeare and those characters are all irrational." I yelled louder.

"Well....well, you and everybody who thinks like you are all unromantic and boring."

"Well....I might be boring but at least I can defend myself!" Okay, where had that come from and where was I going with it?

"Yeah.....but you have no social life!" He spit back. Now to tell you the truth, that actually hurt more than I thought it would. How does he even know that? Now I was frustrated and mad. Before I knew what I was doing, I picked up my laptop and novel and shoved them in their respective pockets in my bag and zipped it.

"What are you doing?" He asked like it wasn't obvious.

"Oh! I don't know. Taking my stuff to your room because I've decided to stay forever." I said very sarcastically, "I'm leaving!" I yelled that last part.

"We aren't done yet." He said with his arms crossed like I was being very irrational.

'Well it's nice to see that you can look me in the eye and talk to me without stammering. I'm glad I could help!'

"Well since you are so smart and seem to know everything about everybody, why don't YOU do the assignment on your own, huh?." I said poking at his chest and then walked to the door opened it and slammed it shut when I was outside.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and began my journey home. It was about 2:30 pm. I had to go and prepare for the birthday party anyway so I walked as quickly as I could so I could get closer to home and as far away from goofy's house as possible.

Author's note:
Hey guys,
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I got a lot of feedback on the other one which gave me a morale boost to write a new chapter early. I usually write about 1100-1200 words per chapter or more depending on the time I have.

Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow too. Your feedback encourages me so please do tell me what you think. Don't hesitate to send me a private message. I will make sure to answer all your questions and curiosities.

Also tell me who your favourite character is and why. :)


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