I Eat All The Donuts

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I was already five months into my pregnancy. I had stopped working and began to just focus on school and the baby. I began to put on weight and no longer just in my stomach. My boobs grew over night and my thighs could no longer squeeze into some of my pants. The maternity clothes were coming in handy.

Johnny left all wedding plans up to me and we decided to get married once the baby was born and I was skinnier. Being married in high school will be very weird.

Over the past month, Johnny and I were sleeping over at each other's houses. Now that I could drive, life became a whole lot easier. Especially when it came to buying donuts for myself.

I had a whole box of them in front of me at home until Johnny came through the door of my house.

"Hey beautiful, whatcha got there?" I huffed a nervous laugh.

"A little snack," I suggested.

"You got a little ... " Johnny came up and wiped at my face revealing powder on his finger. "That's better," he leaned down and kissed me. He then grabbed a donut and plopped his text books on the table. We did our homework as we held hands and finished the donuts off.

I would sometimes pass River and Carson in the halls but Carson was focusing on track and River was focusing on taking his dad's company over. He got a full ride to a university for Football and he was planning on going for four years then working for his dad, who had two more strokes in the past month. Johnny was coming to church every Sunday and was scheduled to be baptized in only a few weeks. I couldn't wait for that!

Classes were getting harder and I found myself eating more. I stood in front of the mirror my twenty-six week and rubbing my hands over my fat belly. I turned and looked at my enlarged hips and butt. I was looking like a mom. Great.

I slipped on sweatpants and one of Johnny's sweatshirts. I then went downstairs and opened a package of donuts as I studied.

The next week I kept getting irritated with everything. Johnny was being f*cking annoying. My parents were morons. And my teachers didn't know sh*t!

The week after that, Johnny was an angel, my parents were gods, and my teachers were saints.

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