Broken Teenage Girl

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My ears rang as I clenched my stomach. My head felt all wishy washy as my vision went in and out of focus. All the muscles in my body were sore from tensing. I bobbed my head to look over at Carson.

His head was hanging and he had blood trickling down on the side of his face I couldn't see but dripping onto his shirt off his chin.

"Carson," I mumbled. He didn't stir or open an eye. "Carson," I said a little louder. I said his name again and pushed at his shoulder. It was an incredibly weak shove but the boy was still lifeless. I said his name louder and louder not knowing what to do.

There was commotion outside but my mind wasn't willing to register it. All I cared about was if Carson was okay. Someone outside the car came to my window and slammed their palms against it. Only then did I notice that a pole was blocking my door from opening. I felt something warm trickling down my own face. I went to touch it but a soaring pain burst through my entire arm and body. Every nerve triggered in my brain and I felt a cry slip from my mouth.

The person went to the back door and swung it open. "Are you okay?" I didn't take in the man's appearance or question.

"He's not moving!" I cried.


I held the remote up in the air as I skipped channel after channel on the hospital TV in my room. The patient on the other side of the curtain divider just kept moaning and wouldn't stop for the past five hours.

My right arm was in a purple cast and the right side of my face was bruised and scratched. I was also very sore and it felt like I broke other bones in my body but the doctors say my body is just traumatized from the experience.

I didn't get a good look at Carson's Honda. But I bet it looks like someone squeezed it in the middle with giant hands like a bow tie noodle.

I also didn't get a good look at Carson. He was bleeding in the car but I don't know what he looked like now. Was he even wearing a seatbelt? Why was he looking at me and not the road!

The curtain was pulled away and there stood Johnny. He examined my condition with a quick glance of his eyes then frowned.

"Hi, Johnny," I said with a reluctant smile. He came closer and sat down on my bed.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good. I won't be able to write very well for a few weeks but I'll make it work."

"You always do," he said smiling reluctantly himself. "How is Carson?"

"I don't know, honestly. I've been kept in this room all day. What time is it? The clock in the room is on the other side of the curtain,"

"It's nine." I whistled in amazement at how late it was in the day. "Where's your phone?"

"I left it in Carson's car."

"That's too bad,"

"Yeah," I looked at Johnny and he grabbed my left hand. He squeezed it in a moment of silence but allowed a shadow to cast over his eyes.

"I don't want you hanging around Carson anymore,"

"Why is that?" I asked a little standoffish.

"What do you mean why? Look what happened! Where are you right now?"

"The accident was partially my fault."

"I don't believe it was. He's the driver. He's the older teenager. He's the man and therefore more responsible for your safety and the child's you carry inside of you."

"Thanks Dad. Why don't you give me another pep talk about dating."

"I would but you already think you've got it all figured out." He let go of my hand.

"Oh, you mad that I'm hanging around three guys?"

"No, I'm mad that you're dating two other guys."

"Oh, so you're jealous," he stood up.

"Hell yeah I'm jealous! You expect me not to be?" He came in close. "Jessica I'm in love with you ... . And to have established my feelings for you only to have them set aside as just another thing you have, is very hurtful and irritating! I hate watching you flirt and kiss Carson or River! I hate it when you complain about them and bring them up in our conversations! I hate how you play me. Over and over and over again! ... You think you know what you're doing but you don't! You're just tearing apart three guys's hearts and treating us like we're a selection of livestock at a fair."

I had a tear make its way down my cheek and it stung. His words stung—pierced—my heart which was pounding in my chest.

"I want to date you Jess, but I'm selfish. And I want you all to myself. Any guy who loves a girl wants all of her. I shouldn't have to compete for your attention or your feelings. You can mess with any other guy at our school, in our town, in your life, but not me." With that he left the room subtly. I wiped at my face but couldn't keep any tears from making their way into the corners of my mouth and drip from my chin.

I was soon checked out of my room by my parents. Carson had gotten a concussion but left earlier than me. I wish he'd visited me but I guess I made him mad. He probably blames the whole accident on me. And where is River? Only Johnny showed up. But he showed up to get mad at me.

Stupid boys.

Why do girls even like them!? Why do some guys like them!?

Outside it was snowing. It was weak. And there was a chilly breeze that gave me goose bumps on my thighs. The snow wasn't even sticking.

Just five more weeks. Five more weeks and I find out who the stupid father is.

But will that make any difference? No one wants it. Poor kid. Why couldn't some other well-deserving woman carry you and have you? I am definitely not well-deserving or a woman. I'm just a girl. A girl with a bruised up face and a beaten up arm. A girl who now has no one.


Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope that you are enjoying the story. Please correct me on any grammar. Why didn't Carson go and see Jessica? Is Johnny ever going to talk to his best friend again? Will Jessica forgive River? Please like and comment!

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