Awkward Ultrasound

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The barbecue was awkward but it got better when Carson went home. Johnny stayed and helped me and my family clean up. My dad didn't punch Carson but seemed like he was really getting along with him when cooking. I sat with Johnny in a yellow dress on a cushioned swing in my backyard. My parents were inside doing dishes and getting ready for bed.

"I wish I could stay overnight." Johnny nibbled on my ear and I giggled. "What did Carson want on the way home?" I looked at him and he looked away. "I'm sorry, it's none of my business."

"Oh, no, it's totally cool. Um, he asked if he was the father and I ... gave him the run down." Johnny nodded. He pulled me in closer and kissed my temple. "Actually," I began, "he asked if I was going to date all three of you at once," Johnny stopped. "I told him that I hadn't thought that far. Then he said that I was asking a lot of him because I threw this whole baby thing on him—"

"Jess," Johnny stopped me. I looked at him. "Don't think this is just your fault. It's all four of ours. Until you figure out who the father is then it will be yours and his but until then, we were all idiots. This isn't just your mistake."

This whole time I thought that it was mine, but Johnny's right. We are all a bunch of stupid teenagers who made a grown up decision as my dad likes to call it.

"Thank you, Johnny," he shrugged and gave me a sly smirk.

"I'm your best friend, I'm supposed to make you feel better," I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He leaned in too and I felt his smile as our lips touched.

Monday was hell. The whole school knew. Friday I was a fifteen-year-old sophomore who was a nerd and a nobody. Monday I became the school's fifteen-year-old slut who was now pregnant. I don't know why everyone has to point out your mistakes. It's as if it makes them feel better about themselves. Let's all be sinners and cast stones at the harlot who sinned herself and couldn't hide it.

Right when I climbed out of Rudy, kids that were standing around by their cars snickered and pointed. At first I thought that I was being made fun of for throwing up in front of the entire school, but soon realized that it was because I was pregnant when a boy came up and congratulated me and Johnny. Actually, he put his hand on Johnny's shoulder and congratulated him first. Kids around us snickered and both our faces turned red. We realized that the whole school knew that I was pregnant but they assumed it was automatically Johnny's.

My friend put his hand on my back and led me to my locker. Some kids ignored us but most knew about me. I glanced across the hall once I got to my locker and noticed River and his friends talking and looking at me. One of his friends veered away from the pack of jocks and it looked like River tried to stop him.

"Hey, Jess," he began. I couldn't remember the boy's name but knew that he was one of River's closest friends. "You cheatin' on my home boy?"

"Dan," River came up and got in between his friend and I. "Stop it,"

"Why?" Dan snickered. Johnny stepped forward and I put my hand on his chest. "Ooo, baby daddy is just now acting all defensive,"

"Don't call him that," River said. His friend looked at him and scoffed.

"The kid's not yours Riv. This b**ch clings to this boy like he's daddy."

"Don't call her that!" River pushed on his friend and everyone knew that you didn't get into fights with the quarterback.

"I'm just saying she's not your girl man,"

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