The Truth Comes Out

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Carson, River, and I ate pizza and watched a movie while on the couch. River had rested his head on my lap and was soon fast asleep half way into the second movie. My head was incredibly uncomfortable the way it was sitting and I had had it resting on River's shoulder until we decided to watch another movie. Carson sat on the other side of me and had kept a good small distance. I was tempted to just lay my head on his shoulder but kept reminding myself how mad I was at him. Part of me told me to just forgive the kid. The angry and unforgiving feelings inside me built up so much over the past few weeks that it felt as though part of the reason I hated him at the moment was meaningless.

"Why didn't you visit me in the hospital and ignore me at school?" I asked suddenly still looking at the TV screen.

"I thought you were mad at me and wouldn't want to see me." He replied as he kept his arms folded and his eyes fixed on the screen as well.

"Then why bother coming over tonight?"

"Well, are you still made at me?" I was silent. Carson scooted closer to me to the point where our thighs kissed. "Actually, I was angry with how close you and River were getting this past weekend. Don't get me wrong, he's one of my best friends. It's just ... I really like you, and I thought he and I had an agreement not to get too close to you until we found out who's baby it is."

I realized that I'd been spending more time with Johnny than the other two boys. And it was because they both agreed on hanging out with me equally. Suddenly the thought of Johnny made me long for him. A repeat of after that party that one night was wanting, when all three of the guys were over and we all enjoyed ourselves.

"I didn't know," I responded, eyes still glued to the blue light.

"I got really jealous Jess," Carson placed his hand on my knee and I didn't object. He turned his head to look at me but I still kept my head straight.

"Maybe River moved in because you and Johnny ignored me." Carson wrapped his arm around my neck and I was really comfortable with it's positioning. Carson's lips began to hover by my temple. His breath was warm. He kissed the side of my head and kept his lips there. He then leaned his forehead against my head and began to nuzzle it.

"I have to pee." I untangled myself from both of the boys and ran to the bathroom. As I went I heard River wake up.

"Woaw, what happened?" River groggily asked.

"Nothing," Carson responded, disappointment in his voice.

I locked the door and was hyperventilating. I was incredibly turned on and I needed to turn it off. I looked in the mirror and placed my hands on my stomach. I flushed the toilet to sound like I went to the bathroom then walked back into the living room.

"It's already ten o'clock." I said. "Aren't either of your parents worried?"

River said, "My parents aren't really worried, they know I'm with you."

"My parents think I'm sleeping over at River's." Carson added. I nodded my head.

"Great," I said under my breath. "Well, I'm tired." River's phone began to ring.

"Hey, mom. ... wait, ... what!? ... okay, ... I'll be on my way."

"What happened?" Carson asked.

"My dad, he's in the hospital." River got up from the couch and grabbed his shoes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He had a stroke." I covered my mouth with my hand in shock.

"Do you want me to drive?" Carson asked.

"No, keep Jessica company." Carson nodded. I walked River to the door and gave him his coat. He opened the door and it was finally snowing outside.

"Be safe," I wrapped my arms around his neck and he squeezed me with his strong arms. He left and I watched him drive away. I shut the door and turned only to bump into Carson.

"I hope Hayes okay," he said.

"Me too," I walked past Carson and went to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I opened the freezer. I pulled out a tub of ice cream as I said,

"Stress eating," I grabbed a spoon then sat on a bar stool. Carson grabbed a spoon from the drawer he watched me grab one from and sat next to me. He rested his hand on my back as we both shared the ice cream.

"I don't know how you're gonna get to school in the morning." I told the boy next to me.

"I'll take the bus with you," he responded with another bite of brain-freezer and a soft rub up my spine.

"Do you think River's dad is gonna be okay?" Carson shrugged.

"I hope so. If not, there goes River's dream of playing professional football."

"That sucks. He'd have to take over the company is what you're implying." Carson nodded.

"Are you still tired?"

"A little, but I don't know if I can sleep tonight. I want to be here for River if he needs anything." Carson nodded again. He turned on his stool and looked outside.

"It's snowing," This time I nodded. Carson rubbed my back some more until his hand wondered to my knee. He was really sneaking his way onto my good side. I decided to have some fun with him.

"You can have the couch." I scooted off the bench and grabbed the ice cream tub.

"Okay," Carson hesitantly said. He slipped off of his stool and placed his spoon in the sink.

"Oh, could you wash that off and place it in the dishwasher?" I prettily said.

"Oh, yeah, sure." He dumbly responded.

"Could you wash mine too?" I gave him my spoon.

"Of course," he said. He dried his hands after placing the utensils in the dishwasher and turned to me.

"You're very pretty tonight." I blushed. He was very cute himself. His brown hair was recently freshly trimmed and his eyes popped with the blue long sleeved shirt he wore.

He suddenly walked up to me, grabbed my face, and snogged my face off. I didn't resist and allowed it. He walked us over to the couch and we continued our make-out session. After ten minutes I pushed the boy away.

"I totally forgot!" I nervously said.


"I have a paper due tomorrow!"

"Haw, is thee Jessica May not keepin up with her homework?"

"Not on purpose!" I grabbed my laptop and sat back down on the couch. Carson kissed at my neck and I told him to stop. He wouldn't. I giggled at his ticklish sucking and I knew I would most likely have hickies in the morning.

I decided to write my happy moment paper on the night all three boys were at my house. Even though the night began sour, it ended sweetly. Same with tonight.

I woke up the next morning spooning Carson on the couch. His hand was on my sticking out stomach and his breaths tickled my neck. We didn't do anything last night but we were about to be late for the bus.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope that you are enjoying the story!  Will River's dad be okay? Should Jessica feel ashamed for getting close to Carson after River left to the hospital? Please like and comment.

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