Vomiting at the Pep Rally

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Johnny grabbed my bike out of the back of Rudy and kissed me goodnight. We didn't say much but we made up. The next morning, he was at my house, at seven o'clock, to pick me up. We sang like crazy people to the songs on the radio on our way to school and got looks from other kids once we pulled into the parking lot.

"I've missed you," I admitted. Johnny shrugged with a cocky smile. We both leaned over the middle console and kissed. He walked me to my locker with his arm around me that was until I saw River catch eye of us. He frowned and walked up to me and Johnny. Johnny put his arm down and slipped his hand into his pant pocket. I opened my locker and River leaned up against the one next to mine.

"So, I was wondering if we could go out some time again. I'm sorry about how I acted in front of everyone at the game Friday night and I want to make it up." It was really sweet of him to think of it that way. Lately, I've been feeling less like a check mark on a list of females in the school because of how sweet of a guy he is.

I blushed but suddenly felt a telepathic rigidness coming from Johnny.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked the quarterback. River stuck his own hands into his pockets and gave me a smile as he stuck his shoulders up. I loved it when he did that. Any guy actually.

"I thought we could go on the ski lift and just enjoy ourselves a nice picnic." He looked at Johnny and I felt the invisible electricity twitching between the two.

"Sure, you can text me the details—"

"I'll see you at lunch," he said. I half heartedly smiled because I didn't want him and Johnny around each other at all. I quickly slipped away to class having looked back at the two boys still glaring at each other.

Carson wanted to see me more than just in class everyday. He asked if we could go out some time and I agreed to. My grades weren't slipping or anything with all this added boy drama so I saw all of this as a positive, healthy aspect to life. Johnny came over, did homework with me, ate chips, and made out. River and I studied at his house and then went out and walked around town together while holding hands. Carson came to my church service thing on Wednesday and promised to show up for church on Sunday. On Thursday River was getting lectured by his dad so I left early and told him I'd see him at the game on Friday. I studied instead and got a project done with Johnny. Friday was when karma began to catch up to me.

Brinley Adams asked me to speak at the pep rally that the school was putting on, before spirit week, in the gym. I never had a problem speaking in front of people but sitting in my chair right by Carson I felt my stomach twist.

"You okay?" Carson asked as I clenched my stomach while in my plain navy dress.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little nervous I guess." He smiled and put his hand on my knee. Brinley spoke for a little bit then I got up to announce the theme for homecoming this year and the spirit week themes for each day.

The microphone looked like it was getting farther away as I got closer to it. I fumbled a little and heard a few snickers come from the students on the bleachers. I felt my face go hot, not from embarrassment but from the feeling that was coming up my throat. I blinked multiple times trying to see more clearly, but the room felt like the lights were getting more and more dim.

I looked up and gave my best smile. "Now, the themes for this year's homecoming is ... " oh no. "is ... " here it comes.

I bent over as all the food that I'd eatin' in the past 24 hours came out of my mouth in front of my entire school. Student council was on a little stage and my vomit got all in front of me and on the gym floor.

"Jess!" I looked up and found a tall figure run my way with a blond mop on his head. I threw up once more on the figure and I heard mockery and laughing from the entire student body. Johnny picked me up and carried me out of the gym.

I blinked hard and tried to focus on the now. Johnny had carried me to the nurse's office. The lady shined a light in both my eyes and I couldn't decided if the look on her face was concern or boredom. I looked down and I had last night's dinner all over my dress. I looked at Johnny and he had taken off the jacket that he was wearing. I remember throwing up on him a little at the pep rally. The nurse said that she would call my parents that I had the flu or something.

"Jess," Johnny began, "I want you to take a pregnancy test."

"What?" I asked. The nurse looked up from her desk with interest.

"You said a few weeks ago that you were worried that you might be pregnant."

"Yeah but,"

"Jess, that was four weeks ago that you ... " before I could say anything more, the nurse had a pregnancy test ready for me to use. I went to the bathroom then Johnny sat with me in the nurse's office and waited for the test to tell us if I was pregnant or not.


My heart dropped. Johnny rubbed my back and I just cried into his chest. I had brought an extra pair of clothes so I dressed in those for the rest of school. The nurse didn't call my parents seeing how it was my responsibility to tell my parents about my situation. Carson asked me over text what was wrong and I ignored them. River found me and asked if I was okay. I said that I was fine and he asked if we were still on for tomorrow. I said yes and that was when I decided to tell him then.

In student council, Brinley wouldn't stop lecturing me.

"Calm down Brin," Carson said as everyone watched a tear fall down my cheek. And it wasn't because I was getting criticized but because of the results from earlier. I couldn't stop thinking about them. I found myself clutching my stomach and grabbing onto any fat that was on it.

"No, I won't," Brin said back. "She ruined the entire presentation. And she's only going to ruin everything else this year like she did last year!"

"I said shut up!" Carson yelled. "She's sick, can't you see that?"

"No," I didn't bother looking up at the girl that spoke up. "She's pregnant."

"What?" Carson questioned with a tone I couldn't tell.

"I overheard her in the nurse's office with that Johnny kid." I finally looked up at the girl that said something and notice her outside of the office when Johnny and I had left.

"What? Jessica, is this true?" The tears just came out. I couldn't stop them. I wanted to curl up into a ball and forget the world. I wanted a boy to wrap me up and hold me. I wanted at least someone to tell me that everything was going to be okay. That I was going to make it through this terrible fate that I got myself into.

I ran out of the classroom and out to Rudy. The Range Rover was locked but I just sat outside of it until I heard the bell ring for my next period. I went to my last three classes and then ran to Johnny. He wrapped me in his arms and I didn't care if kids traveling in the halls saw it. I pulled on Johnny's hair and loved the tight hug I was receiving from him.


Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope that you are enjoying the story. Please correct me on any grammar. How will River react when he finds out that Jessica is pregnant? How will her parents react? Please like and comment!

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