Having Johnny Over

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I couldn't stop thinking about Carson's texts and him calling me cute the rest of Geometry class. Once the bell rang I grabbed my things out of my locker and made my way to Johnny's car. He was one of the only sophomore who could drive and I was lucky to be his friend because it was a free pass from having to take the bus.

He had a Range Rover that he liked to call Rudy. I hugged him when I saw him and he opened the door for me to climb in. When he got in I debated on telling him about Carson, but I came to the conclusion that I would probably sound like I was lying. I could show him the texts, but that would only lead him to say that it's all a prank or a bet. I know a lot of girls here get played that way and I soon found myself not needing Johnny to tell me that. My head began to fill with doubt about Carson and I felt heavy hearted.

We drove straight to my house and dropped our backpacks right at the front door. I went over to the pantry and grabbed a bag of tortilla chips and pulled the guacamole out of the fridge. Johnny went over to the coffee table and had grabbed some homework out of his bag. I put the food on the table and went over to my own bag and grabbed out homework. I didn't receive any texts from Carson and I tried convincing myself not to care. I went ahead and helped Johnny understand the new concept we learned in Geometry. I was also in Algebra II so I worked on that after as he read the English book assignment that I'd already finished over summer. The school year just started, and I planned on getting A's in all my classes once again and try to get through high school as smoothly as possible.

After studying, we turned on the wii and made giant bowls of ice cream for dinner (I already had bananas to put in them). I beat him at golf and bowling. He wanted to play baseball so I agreed to. It was only five and he got permission to have a sleep over. Johnny's parents were divorced. The divorce had him with his mom on week days and his dad on weekends. His mom was a surgeon and never really cared where he was. His dad was the more strict parent but tonight was a week night.

I clumsily smacked Johnny in the face with my remote as I tried to swing my remote like I was holding a baseball bat.

"I'm so sorry!" I said as I ran to get ice out of my fridge. I couldn't keep myself, however, from laughing. I filled up a sandwich bag with ice and planted it on his chin. "Are you okay?" I asked trying not to laugh. We both sat down on the couch and I noticed that we sat oddly close. I turned off the tv and said once more that I was sorry.

"No, it's all good. It's not the first time you've hit me with a wii remote." I punched him playfully and he smiled his giant smile that took up half of his face. I looked at him and he looked at me. He removed his bag of ice and leaned in to kiss me. It all happened so fast that I braced myself for his lips as I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

His lips gently pressed against mine. He knew that this was my first kiss and that is probably why he set his ice on the coffee table and put his hand on my thigh, only to lean more into the kiss more passionately. He was pushing on me and I allowed him to gently lower me onto my back. He put his elbow near my head but kept his other hand on my thigh. I wrapped my arms around his waist and stroked his back. His hand began to creep up my side and under my shirt. My muscles tensed up but I allowed it. I gave myself permission to find my way inside of his shirt. Our kissing was slow and passionate. I was enjoying every second of it.

Why did Johnny never tell me he had feelings for me? Could we have been like this all along had he kissed me earlier? How come I never detected his feelings?

I really like him. We have so much in common maybe we could work out. Would we start dating after this? What would life be like after making out on my couch like this with him?

He lifted me back up and went for my braw under my shirt. I pressed my hands to his chest and stopped him. He looked at me a bit out of breath and I looked away. My eyes found the stairs and I made up my mind. I stood up and grabbed his hand. I lead him up the stairs and to my room. I sat down on the bed and he hesitantly followed. I grabbed his face and began kissing his wide mouth. The kissing was a little more messy than it was downstairs. He went for my braw again and once it was fully unbuckled, I allowed him to slip off my shirt, and then my braw. I stopped kissing him, however, he looked nervous. He wasn't looking down at my chest but only in my eyes. I was red in the face and was glad we weren't exchanging words. He leaned in and kissed my neck. I stood up and he followed. He wrapped his hands under my butt and hoisted me up onto his hips. I gestured to my parents bedroom and then to their bathroom. I hopped down from his hips and opened the drawer I knew where my parents hid their condoms. I grabbed one and Johnny smiled. I did too in the spur of the moment. I ran back to my room and he followed. I jumped onto the bed and he crawled on top of me.

I woke the next morning a little sore but smiling. Johnny was gone however. I looked at my phone and found a text from him explaining that he needed a change of clothes for school and that he wanted to talk in person about last night. I texted him that I agreed and that last night was amazing. I then noticed that I had other texts from other contacts on my phone. I swiped the screen and found that my parents had texted me and so had Carson. My heart skipped a beat at seeing that my crush texted me but I decided that I would get my parents' text over with first.

They were going to be gone until this Sunday and asked how I was doing. I texted back that I was great and that everything was great at home. I then went to Carson's text and couldn't stop myself from blushing and smiling and squealing.

Carson E. : I meant to text you after school but I had cross country and work. Sorry.

Carson E. : How was class?

Carson E. : You have any plans tonight? We should hang out some time.

Carson E. : Goodnight

Carson E. : Good morning!

Carson E. : I'm sorry, I'm coming on really strong. 🤦‍♂️

Me : Good morning!!! I was a bit sad when I didn't get a text from you yesterday but thanks for explaining yourself. Meth was okay, I might try a different drug though. 😉 and I was busy yesterday. Sorry. And yeah, you're coming on way too strong. I might have to block you.

The kid immediately texted back.

Carson E. : Awe man! And I really thought I might have a chance with this cute girl.

Me : Yeah, I was really into this cute boy until he wouldn't stop making my heart flutter every time he texted me.

Carson E. : Oh yeah? That's too bad.

Carson E. : But I really do feel like I'm thrusting myself onto you. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.

Me : Don't worry, you're not making me feel uncomfortable at all. But I never thought in my wildest dreams that a boy would like me like this.

He didn't respond and I became very nervous that I scared him off. I decided to get dressed for school and wait for Johnny to come pick me up. When he got to my house in Rudy, he got out and opened my door. He didn't do anything that related to last night except put his hand on my back to get into the car.

"So," I began, "last night was ... "

"I'm sorry," Johnny said with a heavy sigh and one hand on the wheel. "I allowed things to go way too far last night." I lowered my eyes to my hands in my lap and realized that last night had really gone too far.

"Well, I really enjoyed your company," I admitted. Johnny smiled and I smiled too.

"I guess I'm just a little scared."

"Scared? About what?"

"If we were to date and get into a fight and breakup and lose all the years of being friends with each other because it will be too awkward to be friends."

He was right. That would be awful. I would lose my best friend. Then Carson came to mind.

"What if ... " I began to say as smoothly as possible, "we just ... date around?" Johnny glanced at me and then back to the road. "See other people and occasionally flirt with one another. That way we can stay friends but find out what we like and don't like and decide if dating one another is best for us both." The idea sounded perfect in my head but sounded stupid once it was out of my head. But I convinced myself that I really wanted to try something out with Carson. Johnny didn't respond right away but agreed to that.


Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope that you are enjoying the story. Please correct me on any grammar. I will try my hardest to revise efficiently throughout the writing of this book. Like and comment!

Don't Ask Me Who The Father Is (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora