Three Dates for Homecoming

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I tried to act like everything was normal. Every morning waking up felt like I wanted to throw up but I kept control of my stomach for the most part. School wasn't getting any harder and I felt like it was a blessing from God. The study hall class was actually really helping me out.

On Friday, River won our school homecoming. On Saturday, Johnny knocked on my door with a corsage in hand. I answered the door and he smiled his wide smile that took up half his face. I blushed.

"You look very nice," my heart dropped a little. These past five weeks I am constantly being showered in compliments by Carson and River but not once has Johnny called me beautiful or even pretty or even cute! And all he can say tonight is nice?

We showed up at the school gym where the dance was being held and a lot of eyes turned to us. Johnny kissed my temple and I realized that that was the first time he showed his affection for me in front of others.

"Jessica," Carson came up but suddenly stopped. "Jessica ... you look ... amazing!" He came closer and kissed my cheek. "Hey," he grabbed my wrist and added, "good job on the corsage,"

I glanced around for River but couldn't find him.

I traded off dancing with Johnny and Carson and sat a few times to rest and just enjoy homecoming. I always thought that I'd enjoy it more than I did mostly because I didn't think I'd be pregnant and receive disgusted looks from my fellow classmates.

Then River Hayes was announced as homecoming king and Anna Queen was announced as homecoming queen. The crowd made cooing sounds and cheers when River jumped down from the stage and grabbed my face and kissed it. The slow song then began and he pulled me in.

"You look beautiful tonight," he softly said in my ear. I smiled and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered.

"Thank you," I said. "I think you look really handsome with that smile of yours,"

"You know, I've decided that I don't only smile for Gabby, but for another very special woman in my life,"

"Your mom?" I joked. He laughed.

"No, I mean, maybe the mother of my children," I became tense and he felt it. "I'm sorry," I shook my head and put my head on his chest.

At 10:30, Carson found me and asked if I wanted to go home. He lead me to his car but instead of opening my passenger door, he pushed me up against the Honda and started devouring my lips with his.

I hadn't had this with any of the boys in a week and I realized how much I missed it.

Carson pushed on me and I allowed a moan to escape my lips. He fumbled with the backseat door handle and once he got it opened, I climbed in. He climbed in after me and shut the door.

Saturday morning was to be my first day of work. The DNA thing turned out to be over a thousand dollars. My parents said that I would work for my uncle at his pizza parlor until I saved up the money for that. They also didn't want any of the boys to pitch in and made sure that my uncle was tracking all that he paid me. Johnny and I had worked for my uncle over the summers so I was already trained in all the fields. So was Johnny. When Johnny found out that my parents had me working, he got a job at the pizza place as well. River and Carson were jealous at first but they soon got over it.

I calculated how long it would take and got an estimation of ten weeks. I would be fifteen weeks pregnant by the time I found out who the father is. That was another ten weeks of having three boys pine after me. I'll admit I enjoyed the attention but I really wished I didn't have to entertain all of them. I really wanted to choose one already but I wanted to choose the baby's father and try and work it out the best we can.

I was still doing fine in school and was keeping up my all A's goal. Some teachers tried to show their disproving point of view for my bad choices but I showed them otherwise.

I had no idea that it could be so much fun working with Johnny until the pizza parlor was empty. Occasionally we would make out in the walk-in and sit next to each other behind the register watching Netflix. We did the Netflix thing as kids over the summer but now was different because he would sneak his hand behind me and into my pants. I still tutored River on Tuesday's and Thursday's. We would study and then make out and then I would stay for dinner. His grades were improving so I didn't feel like our kissing sessions were interfering with anything. Carson surprised me the day before Halloween at work and offered to take me home. River and Carson always got along when around each other but neither of them got along with Johnny. I think it's because they're jealous. I'm so much closer to Johnny. I always go to him when I'm crying or when I am upset.

Carson came into the store and pulled me into a kiss.

"I've missed you at student council."

"Yeah," I said as I wiped down tables.

"It's not the same," I smiled. I glanced to the back of the store and saw Johnny doing the dishes. He doesn't know Carson is here.

"Would you like something to eat?" I offered.

"Sure, as long as a pretty girl joins me," he flirtatiously smiled.

"Lol, I'm gonna have to go find one then,"

"You are very pretty Jessica,"

"No I'm not. I have sixth grade acne coming back to haunt me. And my hair is a complete mess under this visor."

"I think your hair is hot,"

"I'm sure you do,"

"It's true!"

"All right, before you make me blush anymore, what kind of pizza would you like?"


"And I'll go see if I can get some time off." I made him smile.

A few minutes later Carson and I were sitting across from each other eating a medium-sized pizza.

"Wow, you're eatin' more now than when I first went out with you,"

I shyly swallowed my third piece and told myself that it was time to stop.

"All this standing and walking around is keeping me active," I said as I drank some water.

"What are you planning on being for Halloween this year?"

"Hah, I don't know, Johnny and I both stopped dressing up eighth grade year."

"Oh yeah, well, I haven't. Actually, I wanted to invite you to Dan Hanson's party tomorrow night."

"I don't think that'll be a good idea."


"Dan doesn't particularly like me and he's not particularly one of my favorite people."

"Oh come on, you won't even see him. He'll be totally drunk he won't even see you."

"And that's the second reason. Drinking. What if I get fooled into drinking something and hurt the baby?"

"I'll watch over you the entire night. And so will River."

"What about Johnny?"

"Johnny boy can come too, I don't mind." I glanced over at the back where Johnny purposely went after finding out that Carson was here.


"Hey, when do you get off?"

"In like ten minutes,"

"Let me take you home." I went and told Johnny about Carson inviting us to Dan's party tomorrow and I would get a ride from him. I climbed into Carson's vehicle and without trying, fell asleep.


Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope that you are enjoying the story. Please correct me on any grammar. How is the story so far? Who is your favorite boy and who do you think she'll choose? Please like and comment!

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