Proposed to at Fifteen

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I woke up on Christmas morning with Johnny gone. He soon walked into the room and I propped myself onto my elbows.

"Morning, handsome," I said flirtatiously. He was in a pair of plaid pajama pants and an ugly Christmas sweater. His hair was everywhere and I actually found it very attractive.

"Mornin, sleeping beauty," I didn't know how to feel at his words. I thought if I complimented him he'd compliment me back. I didn't know if I should take the princess allusion serious.

I climbed out of bed and hugged him. He held me close and I breathed in his smell.

"Your mom has breakfast ready downstairs."

"Mm. I could use some breakfast right now." He smiled wide then took my hand and led me downstairs.

We opened presents as we ate French toast. Johnny got dressed into jeans and I did too because I didn't want to feel lazy around him. I slipped on a new sweater that I would be able to wear with a growing stomach and my jeans were of maternity shape. I threw my hair into a bun then ran back downstairs and sat back down next to Johnny. He wrapped his arm around me as my cousins claimed that I had a present.

"For me?" I asked. I had ran upstairs to get dressed thinking that the rest of the presents under the tree were for my two little cousins.

I grabbed the small box that one of my young cousins gave to me and twisted it around in my hands. It was a jewelry box. Probably a necklace or bracelet from my parents. It bore my name on the top of it so I opened the hesitant lid.

There was nothing in it. I scrunched up my face and didn't look up until I heard gasps from those around me. I almost jumped off the couch where I was sitting when I saw Johnny holding a small diamond ring in his fingers. I covered my mouth and squeals came from my mom and her sister. Johnny smiled and slipped off the couch. He got down on one knee and picked the box out of my lap. He slipped the ring inside and held the box open in front of me.

"Jessica Kathryn May, will you marry me?"

My heart was beating too fast for me. My cheeks were burning and my legs were shaking. I'd never felt so nervous in my life. I looked up at my dad and he was smiling as he had a hand on my mom's back. The look in his eyes told me he knew this was coming. Of course any boy who would soon propose to me had to ask my dad first. Johnny most likely asked him Sunday. I couldn't believe that he would allow his almost sixteen-year-old daughter get engaged so young!

I looked back at Johnny and began counting every freckle on his face. He had become incredibly handsome in just seconds.

River and Carson were far behind in my mind as Johnny had become the only one to prove he loved me no matter what.

Tears began to leak from my eyes as I allowed a stern look to come upon my face. I grabbed one of Johnny's hands and held it tight in front of him.

"Johnny," I began. Everyone in the room held their breaths. "If I say yes, you have to promise me you won't leave me." His conversation with my grandpa ran through my mind. "Please. Promise me we will work things out and stay together." Johnny's broad smile had faulted at the start of my words but his head was now nodding vigorously.

"Jessica. The day I met you I told myself, "One day I'm going to marry that girl." Nothing was going to get in my way. Not even a stupid mistake. Which now I want to help you with. I love you and I am willing to raise this baby with you ... if you agree to grow old with me and never stray from enjoying my gangly features." I smiled and let out a laugh. His smile returned and I fell in love all over again. I don't know when I first did but I know I was before this. I then became the one who nodded heartily.

"Yes. Yes!" I repeated. I flung myself onto Johnny and we toppled over.

"Watch the baby!" My mom cried. Johnny and I were laughing and stopped at my mom's words. Instead of getting up though, our eyes locked, then they locked on one another's lips. I kissed him and I felt him raise his head off the ground to meet my lips.

I crawled off of him and held my hand out to pull him up. He was almost a foot taller than me and I couldn't help but feel like the boy I knew for so long was now a man standing right in front of me. He plucked the ring out of the box and stuck it onto my finger. He kept hold of my hand and kissed it.

That night my parents allowed Johnny to stay over and I was glad they did.

We brushed our teeth then said goodnight to everyone. I sat on my bed and twirled the ring on my finger in circles.

"You don't have to wear it to school." I looked up and found Johnny wearing pajamas leaning against the door frame. I stuck my hands under my thighs and asked why. He shrugged. "If you're nervous and don't want to wear it then I want you to know that I understand." I smiled and patted the bedding beside me. He came over and sat down.

He moved some of my loose brown hair behind my ear then leaned in slowly only to kiss me on the corner of my chin. He scooted closer and pulled me closer to him by my hip. Our lips collided and I grabbed onto his skinny thighs.

We kissed for a little bit until he stopped it, both of us being out of breath. He looked all around my face and then my body. I turned red at wherever his eyes scanned.

"You're beautiful tonight, Jess," he said with a kind smile. He snuck his hand back around my head until I pressed my hands against his chest.

"That's the first time you've ever called me beautiful."

"Really?" I nodded.

"Johnny," I took his hand and patted it. "Girls like it when a guy compliments her,"

"Really?" My mouth fell open.

"Johnny!" I hit his chest. He smiled and chuckled and I hit him again.

"You're the only girl I've ever actually liked! I don't know the first thing about dating!"

"You better figure it out, weenie!" I said. "Now, say it again."

"Okay. ... you're beautiful," I smiled and grabbed his face. I devoured his lips and enjoyed their communication back.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This entire chapter was full of spontaneousness and was all the way on the spot. What will River and Carson think when they find out Jessica is engaged to Johnny?

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