Jock, Friend, Crush

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"Jessica May?" I nervously got up from my chair and walked to the principal's office door with sweaty palms. I swallowed hard as I moved a piece of brown hair from my face. I opened the door and slipped inside. My heart began to beat fast as one of the school's most popular guys turned in his chair and stared at me with a skeptical look. River Hayes. I shifted my gaze to avoid eye contact and sat in the chair beside him in front of Principal Walls' desk.

"You two know each other?" He asked.

"No," River answered quickly. He seemed like he really wanted to get out of here.

"Well, I assume you know River?" I looked up from my lap at Principal Walls and nodded.

Of course I know River Hayes. Everyone knows River Hayes. He's the star quarterback. He's lead our school to victory the past three years, going on for a fourth.

"River this is Jessica May. She is only a sophomore but is very smart. We're a small school and I trust her to get you back up to a C in your failing classes before the next big game." River looked at me with his dark glaring eyes. He was a tall kid of 6'4'' that was very muscular and thin. He had crew cut brown hair that almost looked jet black. He wore jeans and a jacket that made him look rigidly handsome and a total bad boy among the ladies.

"Fine, whatever," he got up out of his chair, swung his backpack over his shoulder and exited the office.

I myself, talked to Principal Walls a little longer gaining more information on what I was supposed to do: get the football jock's grades above a D and keep them up until the end of the season.

I walked out of the office and out of the main front office only to have my best friend swing his arm around me.

"You get into some gnarly trouble?" Johnny Harrison: best friend since the sixth grade and one of the greatest people anyone will ever meet.

"Big trouble," I joked. "Actually, I have to tutor River Hayes."

Johnny dropped his arm and snickered under his breath. "Good luck with that."

"Thanks," we walked to lunch together and sat down.

A few other friends joined our lunch table but Johnny and I were the only ones the other was really interested in. Johnny was 6 feet tall and had shaggy dirty-blond hair. He had freckles that painted his nose and adorable ears that stuck out of his head. He was very lanky and didn't really do any sports.

Carson Elliot then walked by laughing that adorable laugh of his and showing off that beautiful smile that all the girls wanted. He wore shorts and a t-shirt and had brown hair. He passed by our lunch table with a group of friends and I just sighed.

"Oh come on," Johnny nudged my shoulder. "He's a senior."

"I know," I sighed once more and watched as Carson sat down. I felt uneasiness coming from my friend so I stopped crushing and turned my attention to him. "You wanna hang out later?" I asked. "My parents are gone." It was always nice when my mom and dad were gone during school nights because then Johnny and I could goof off in the living room and make delicious ice cream Sundays.

"Sure, what's on the menu tonight?"

I shrugged. "Maybe wii golf or bowling."

"Okay, I'll bring the bananas," I smiled at Johnny and he smiled back with his famous wide smile.

Suddenly, River Hayes came and plopped himself down in front of me. He didn't have any food but just his muscular arms on the table.

"It took me forever to find you," He said a bit agitatedly. I frowned and grew red in the face. The boy was kind of scary looking when he furrowed his eyebrows all the time. I wonder if he knows how to smile. "I have practice everyday but I also work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So the only times we can study is Tuesday and Thursday. Will that be okay?"

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