Mother Mary

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I climbed off the couch in a hurry and ran to the bathroom. I wouldn't stop throwing up in the toilet.

"Jessica?" Carson ran over to the guest bathroom. "Oh, wow," It wouldn't stop. "I'm uh, I'll go make you something for breakfast." I shook my head. I flushed the toilet and closed the lid. I leaned over and laid my arms and head on it and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt nauseous and sick in the stomach. "You wanna skip school today?" Suddenly the front door to the house opened and my parents walked in.

"We're home!" My dad bellowed.

"Carson?" My mom asked. The front door was near the guest bathroom on the bottom floor of the house. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, River and I wanted to give Jessica some company while you guys were gone. River's not here because he had to leave last night."

"You slept over?" My dad asked.

"Yes, sir"

There voices were bouncing around in my head. I opened the lid and threw up some more.

"Jessica's really sick this morning," Carson pointed out.

"We see that," my dad responded.

"I didn't bring my car or anything and thought that I'd just stay home with her."

"School's not important?"

"Oh, school is very important, sir. But only for educational purposes. Today I have to spend all day with the student council and a girl that was very rude to your daughter and I'd rather be around Jessica."

"Fair enough," my dad shook Carson's hand. "That damn council kicked Jessica out for a stupid reason."

"I couldn't agree more,"

I threw up some more.

My mom helped me to my room after giving me medicine. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I dressed in a cozy manner with my hair up in a bun. It was snowing all night and now there was a nice, thick blanket of snow on the ground. It wasn't enough to make the school do a two-hour delay start, though. Bummer.

I found my dad and Carson laughing and was glad they were getting along. Mom made some breakfast that I had no appetite to eat and the snow was only making me feel more cold.

I tried to work on homework after my parents left to the office but Carson was incredibly distracting. He wanted to help me on it because he was two grades ahead of me and already done what I was working on. But his hand was either caressing my knee or resting around me on my love handle. I still had a stomach ache and didn't really feel like making-out or kissing. I suggested we call River and find out how everything was going.

"Thank you guys so much for calling. You're the only two who know right now and I really appreciate the call." He said over the phone.

"No problem buddy," Carson said to the phone in his palm.

"So, how is your dad?" I asked.

"He's okay, but doctors say he's going to be a lot more slow." He was quiet. "He might not be able to return back to work in his new condition." We were quiet. This meant that River really did have to give up any chance of going to school.

"I'm sorry, River," I said.

Carson said, "Me too,"

"Thanks guys. Wait, why aren't you guys at school?"

"Jessica wasn't feeling good. I woke up to her throwing up like crazy!" I hit him for his exaggeration.

"Wait, 'woke up', did you two ... sleep together?"

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