A Sunday with River

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My neighbor was a member of my congregation and I asked if I could get a ride with them. But I woke up Sunday morning with a text from River.

He wanted to go to church with me.

I sat in my bed cross-legged contemplating if I should invite the football jock to my only sanctuary every week.


He texted back that he'd pick me up.

The drive was silent and I kept my eyes on the scenes passing by out the window. But I couldn't deny that he looked very handsome in a sweater and slacks.

We pulled into the parking lot of the church and walked in together.

"I've never been to church." He suddenly said as we sat down. "It's just an hour right?" I nodded. "Yeah, my parents read the Bible to us kids every night but they don't believe in church." He grabbed a hymn book in front of him and flipped through it. "Hey, I know some of these songs." This was the first time he'd been so talkative. I almost felt bad that I wasn't responding. "Do you come every Sunday?" I nodded again. He looked around and waved to a few kids he knew from school. We ourselves didn't exchange any words between each other up until the sermon started.

"The Christmas season is creeping upon us. Snow is scheduled to fall this week. Students are getting more and more excited for Winter Break plans. And Stores are preparing for the herd of parents who are trying to please their children. But that is not the real meaning of Christmas. It's not snow, school getting out, or presents. It's about spring in fact. It's about one journey that made one man take a break from his work. It's about one gift that would be given to all mankind. It's about a child being born, not a jolly old man in a red suit." Pastor Hatch opened his battered and bruised scriptures with years of experienced markings and notes, and read allowed the story of our Savior's birth. He would be doing this every Sunday up until Christmas: delving into the lessons of Christ's birth.

He switched between the doctrines of Mathew and Luke trying to stay as chronological as he could. I was getting a little sleepy and bored and tried to ignore the fact that Mary and I were both pregnant teenagers. I was asked last week if I would be willing to play the part of Mary in the upcoming play that our congregation put on each year. I was a lamb most of my childhood grateful that I was never one of the main leads. And that is exactly what I did. I declined the offer.

River leaned over his broad shoulder and whispered into my ear. "I think it was really cool for Joseph to stay with Mary." My cheeks flushed red but not at the nervous meaning of his words but the furry that built up inside me at them.

I whispered back, "An angel told him to. Jesus wasn't even his! He was practically forced to! He wasn't given a choice! She wasn't given a choice! But without him she would have suffered! But the kid wasn't his!" I had gotten louder and louder and stopped when River grabbed my wrist and pulled me off my butt. We interrupted everyone else's reverence as River dragged me down the isle and out of the chapel. Once outside he let go.

"What's going on?" I grabbed my stomach and looked at the floor. I smoothed my belly bump over and admitted what was on my mind.

"I don't want to be left alone." There was silence between us teenagers. Then River made up his mind to sit down on the cement steps of the church. I grabbed his shoulder and used it as support as I lowered myself. My knees hurt every time I sat down low and my stomach was hurting.

"What happened with the others?"
I let out a heavy sigh.

"Carson told me all about your bet with the football team and I became angry with him for not telling me. I also found out that he wasn't ready for this baby. I mean. I didn't expect any one of you guys to be ready—I'm not even ready!—I just thought, however, that he'd say that no matter what he would stay by my side. But I felt it in his words and tone and the way he held himself—he's not father material. And Johnny, Johnny hates me because I am pregnant. I should have kept my legs closed." I placed my head in my hands and began to cry. "Oh God," I began to pray, "please forgive this adulterous that has abused the body she was given by thee. Forgive her parents and allow all fault lie on her. Allow her to be accountable for her mistakes!"

"And please let her know she's loved." I heard River finish. I looked at him with a tear-streaked face. "Amen," he said. He wrapped his large muscular arms around me and I nuzzled myself into his chest.

"Let me take you back to my place," I nodded into his chest no longer wanting to be alone at my parentless house.

We drove back with me in the middle seat holding hands with him. I rested my head on his arm and wished the moment in his truck wouldn't go away.

We arrived at his place and he helped me out of the car. "You've gotten heavier," he pointed out. I blushed and I looked down at myself. My tummy poked out of my church dress and I hugged it to hide it. "I mean, you're still beautiful and only more gorgeous with those added curves." He wrapped his arm around me and I was thankful as the weather had gotten cooler these past few days. December had started and I couldn't wait for there to be snow. River guided me into his house and I was welcomed by the smell of cookies and muffins.

"Your house always smells good," I said dreamily. River chuckled and led me into the kitchen.

"Oh hi Jessica!" I was welcomed by Carol Hayes, River's mother. Gabby came running in upon hearing my name. She slammed her chubby self into my legs and I almost fell over.

"Get off of her Gabby." River sternly said.

"Oh she's okay," I giggled.

"I've missed you so much Jessica! Whenever I asked if you were coming over, River would either ignore me or he would tell me that you were mad at him! Are you still mad at my big brother? Because I will beat him up if I have to," I turned to River and he was flushed with anger and embarrassment.

"I would very much like to see you beat your big brother up." Gabby went over and began kicking River in the calf.

"Move squirm," he said without any enthusiasm.

"Oh please have a cookie Jessica." Mrs. Hayes offered. I really shouldn't.

By the end of the visit I had had a lot of cookies along with a giant lunch and dinner and even dessert. My dress was getting tighter by the bite. River asked if we could be excused to his room and surprisingly his mother allowed it. We walked up the grand staircase of his home and he asked when my parents planned on getting back. I answered Tuesday.

"You could stay here until they get back." My dress was getting tighter.

"I don't know about that. What would your parents say?"

"They like you Jessica. They want us together, I'm sure they wouldn't mind." I felt like the zipper would come undone on my dress.

"I'll think about it." We walked into the jock's room and he shut the door behind us.

"I don't expect us to do anything," he admitted as he switched the light on. I hugged him and he seemed taken back by the act. My arms wrapped around his waist and I held my face firm against his stomach. He was a foot taller than me and I loved it.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I squeezed him tighter. He wrapped his arms around me and ran his hands up and down my sides.

"It's my dress,"

"What about it?"

"It's—it's too tight!" I untangled myself from our embrace and tried to reach back at the zipper of the dress.

"Allow me to assist you," River came in very close and hung his arms over and behind me. He took my cardigan with him and allowed it to fall over my hands. He then skidded his hands up my arms and to my back. All the while, I pressed my hands up against his strong stomach. He unzipped my dress and a heavy breath escaped my lips. River kissed at my neck and then my shoulder as he pushed the sleeve of my dress farther and farther down my arms. I grabbed his face and pulled him to my lips.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope that you are enjoying the story! Will Jessica decide to stay over at River's until her parents arrive home? Will her and River decide to date? Why did she forgive him so easily? Please like and comment.

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