"I'm so happy to see you Addy!" She said hugging his arm even more. Even though it looked like she was cutting off his blood circulation, I was even more surprised with the nickname she had for him: Addy.

Certainly not forgetting that, are we, brain? That's what I thought!

"Me too. Me too." He responded clearly lying. He turned his look to me and I just gave him a big thumbs up. This was only getting better and better.

The girl then looked at me with the sudden realisation that I was actually there. "Oh, my god, I'm so sorry. I forgot to introduce him. This is Adam Johnson. He's a big friend of mine." She said smiling.

"Oh, that sounds interesting. Do tell me more... uhmmm... what's your name?"

"Penelope. Penelope Kelly. What's yours?"

Oh... so that was the so famous Penelope Kelly! I can now see why Adam broke up with her. She sort of seems like the over-possessive type.

Man, was I loving this day so far!

"Caroline Meadows."

"Like that old crappy song?"

I scratched my head on the back with the mention of the stupid Neil Diamond song that had tormented me ever since my childhood. 

"Yes. I guess you could say that..." And at the moment Adam's eyes lightened up a bit. That stupid little crappy bag had just found another way of pissing me off.

Thanks a lot, Penelope!

"Well, I gotta go put my things in my locker." She turned to Adam not quiting the smile and squishing his arm even more. "I'm just so happy to see you! We have so much stuff to talk about Addy! I can't wait to spend the rest of the day with you!"

With that they both started leaving. And I just burst out laughing my heart off.

But then again, this Thursday was about to go way back to the bottom end of my top 7 days of the week.

● ● ●

"You what?!"

Yup, you guessed it: leaving an awesome school day with none other than Miss Patricia Stevens.

"Oh, c'mon Patty. I had to laugh at the situation. And she's just a little..." I wasn't even able to finish that phrase. Either because I didn't know how to end it at the moment or because Patty immediately cut me off. Choose the one that fits your perspective better.

"A little mean fucking bitchy harlot Karen Smith who doesn't even have the fucking idea of who she's dealing with?"

"I was gonna say dumb and kinda ignorant. But if that works for you then we can stick with it."

Patty has been like this since she caught me laughing next to my locker. She asked me what happened and when I told her that Penelope had just passed by and was now squishing Adam's arm out she literally turn around and said. "LET ME AT HER!"

And as a good friend, and for the safety of both girls, I managed to grab Patty not allowing her to walk that much further.

And right now, I had to let her spit all the words because if not she would probably arrive home and start writing a fan fiction of how I suddenly got together with Adam and Penelope tragically fell off a cliff.

Or something worse. You never really know what Patty can do. That's one of the most scary things about her.

But let's get back on topic.

"Nobody can ever touch my ship, Caroline. Nobody! Not even the slightest dent! Not even a scratch! A fingerprint! And this fucking stupid being is slowly turning into an iceberg in the middle of the ships course to a paradisiacal island in the South Pacific!"

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