Mandalorian Jedi Male Reader X Female Clone Troopers Final Part

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Many years had past since the days on battle fields of Umbara, the Republic was gone and in it's place an empire immerged. Very little Jedi remained in the galaxy and ever less had the will to fight back after the purge that had taken place in order 66. The clones after killing the Jedi for 'betraying' the Republic either joined up as Strom Troopers or went in to seclusion. On a world far out into the outer rim known as Yavin 4 one group of these groups of clones were sat around a fire at their camp site inside a cave trading tales from the line of duty.

Captain Rexy: That's a pretty interesting story Amber.

The Trooper with blue designs on her armour commented as Val told the tale of her experience on Umbara to her.

Amber: True but I think your stories are better.

Lucky: Agreed I didn't know Arc troopers were that skilled.

Marron: Excuse you you've seen me in battle.

Lucky: Exactly.

The others chuckled at the joke and at Marron getting lucky in a head lock as a joke back. She then gave the scout a nuggy as the others turned their attention to their cook for the night Val as she spoke.

Val: Behave behave or no rations for you two tonight.

Marron soon let Lucky go since she knew the Marine was being serious. As Lucky fixed up her hair she looked to see the food cooking pretty well on the fire. With silence filling the group for a bit and the only sound being of the crackling of the flame cooking the meal Lucky spoke up.

Lucky: You think the others will be back soon, it's getting pretty dark.

Marron: Don't worry about them their tough so we'll see them soon.

As if on que rustling came from the treeline behind Marron and Lucky just outside the cave. Without a single word they all pointed their side arms towards the noise.

Val: Who's there speak up or we'll-

Before she could speak her blaster pistol was pulled out of her hand and into the bushes by the treeline. The others would have opened fire had it not been for a familiar voice to say.

???: We go out and get some food and you threaten to shoot us I'm hurt Sweetie.

Val sighed realizing who it was and then threw a rock into the bush. The person who had just spoken made a pained noise and soon Y/N walked out of the bushes holding his head.

Y/N: Okay was the rock necessary?

As he asked that question he strolled over to her rubbing the bump on his head in quite a bit of pain from the rock to the forehead.

Val: No but you deserve it for taking my gu-

Before she could finish he kissed her passionately wrapping his arms around her to deepen the kiss and hug her at the same time. The other clones smiled watching with amusement as Val blushed heavily and almost instantly gave in kissing him back as Commander Wolfy and Commando Jenny came out of the woodwork carrying baskets of fish on their backs. In Wolfy's hand was Val's blaster pistol that was thrown into the treeline moments ago.

Wolfy: Hey love birds I get your doing foreplay and stuff but don't throw out weapons around like that, not like we can get more if they break or get lost.

Jenny: Your just jealous because you saw the recording Lucky took of them.

Val after hearing that last comment pulled away from the kiss and looked at the now nervous scout.

Val: You what?

Lucky: N-nothing...

Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the scouts response and looked at Val.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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