Female Thanos X Sayian Male Reader Part Two

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Pure anger consumed your mind as rage fueled your broken body to stand up. Thanas had finished explaining what had happened while you were left unconscious. The tale of how she murdered Vision and killed half the universe.

Now you stand, your blood boiling and heart racing. Thanas didn't show much emotions other than disinterest in his reaction. Lightning sparked around you and your body on instinct got into a battle stance.

Thanas: Will you really try to fight me?

You glared at her and slammed your foot into the earth you stand upon and roars out.

Y/N: You steal, you destroy, you manipulate and discard those who you have no use for!

The ground under you shattered from the sheer power you were unleashing. The lose of your friends, all the countless lifes taken away from this plane of existence without a single idea of why. These deaths couldn't be allowed to go without being avenged, you wouldn't let Thanas gets away with the genocide of half of the universe.

Y/N: You scoff at ordinary people just trying to live normal lifes!

With a moment passing after your words you charged at the mad titan and grabbed her arm that didn't have the infinity gauntlet on it with your left arm.

Y/N: I can not let it continue!

She giggled softly at this attempt at a attack until she saw the amount of power you forced into your right arm.
With a shocking brief transformation into the legendary Super Sayian form and punched Thanas across the face.

It sent shockwaves through the mountainous area that resembles an earthquake. The titan was slightly taken back by the savage strike to the head. She appeared to have been shocked by the experience just enough to give the Sayian the chance to follow up his first attack with a knee to the gut.

This didn't wind the titan at all but Thanas was definitely hurt by the warriors blows to her. The Sayian roared out to vent frustration then threw another punch at the titan. He sadly had no success with this latest attack because Thanas blasted him through several trees using the Power Stone.

Thanas: Enough of this foolishness child, don't you understand that I saved the universe from itself?

She questioned like a parent would to a child, her voice was full of mixed emotions like compassion and concern. The warrior slowly picked himself up and with blood dripping from old and new wounds alike he shouted.

Y/N: You murder all those people not save them, mark my words I will defeat you!

He then sprinted towards her with ki shooting from his out stretched hands. Each blast made contact with Thanas but had little to no effect. The only thing that really happened was the area around Thanas was full of dust from the energy barrage.

Without a second thought Thanas used the Reality Stone to take away the dust and make the readers body ten times it's normal weight. The newly added weight drastically reduced your ability to move resulting in you losing your transformed state and fall on all fours.

Thanas: I won't tell you again young one, give up before the blood lost sets in.

The woman demanded as she strolled towards your weakened body. Panic began to infest your thoughts and you looked up at Thanas with fear and regret in your eyes.

Y/N: S-stay back!

You said like a wounded animal barking desperately to scare off it's attacker. Thanas soon was standing in front of you with her arms crossed while her shadow loomed over you. Without a word the newly deemed most powerful person in the universe kneed down and pet your hair gently.

Thanas: Calm down little one, I understand your frightened but do not worry I wouldn't hurt you.

The Sayian was out of opinions it was time for the last ditch effort, his ultimate trump card taught to him by Son Goku himself.

Y/N: You t-think I'm done?

He panted as he tried containing his fear to slow his breathing down. He knew it was necessary for what he had in store for her.

Thanas: Sayian please you can't keep fighting in your condition, even if you ha-

With one swift move you grabbed her arm that was petting you and grit your teeth. The titans eyes widened in a slightly surprised manner. She figured he didn't have enough strength to move his arm let alone grab hers so quickly. However there was no power in his grip, he was holding her yes but it was obvious he could apply any pressure to her arm at all. The woman grinned softly and with a gentle laugh said.

Thanas: You had me scared for a second you, here I thought you were making a come back.

Y/N: Don't...

The Sayian simply said while looking down appearing to be too terrified to look. The titan had no clue what he meant but was curtain this was gonna be a plea for the safety of his homeworld.

Thanas: Don't what child?

Y/N: Don't...

He repeated as his breathing was now as calm and focused. A spark flickered from his hand brightly for a few moments. Then suddenly a strong amount of pressure was put on Thanas's arm. The titan was about to react but before she could the Sayian looked up at her as his hair gained a red tone to it along with the rest of his body.

Y/N: Don't underestimate the Sayian race you monster, let me show you your failure Thanas!

More and more power flowed forth from the wounded males body. A fiery red aura sprouted out from him making Thanas rather shocked because just moments ago he was on the ground begging but noe he seemed like he was about to make a comeback.

Thanas: What are you going to-


Niall: Sorry about the delay, I've been really busy lately and didn't have time to write😅

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Niall: Sorry about the delay, I've been really busy lately and didn't have time to write😅

Blanc: You've been playing Fortnite and drinking Pepsi....😒

Niall: As I said very busy...😅

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