Zhuque Mercy X Male Reader Final Part

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Mercy sighed seeing the next man attempting to earn her hand in marriage enter the main area of her palace to which she was sat on the golden thrown in the centre of the room. This man was a land owner from across the sea that was famous for being a narcissistic playboy, so she'd have no issue with quickly turning him down and kicking him out. With two guards the closing the door behind the man he bowed with a cocky grin.

Jessie: Hello my beautiful bride to be~

The very way he called her his bride made the empress want to get sick mutable times. With a scoff of disgust and a death glare towards the narcissist. Fire surrounded the man preventing him to move as she said.

Zhuque Mercy: You'd be wise to not to call me that again,. I am your empress and you aren't even close to what I want my husband to be like.

Jessie: W-what!?

He said in shock before looking up at her with anger building up inside of him. Seems her insult had hurt his precious ego and had shattered his manly pride he had gained from having sexual intercourse with below average women who couldn't pay rent.

Jessie: My Empress there is not man besides I who is worthy of having you as their bride!

He said with rage and somewhat lust in his voice and before standing up quickly with a questioning, mad and wounded expression. He was also pointing at her like it was his way of trying in some vain attempt to show dominance.

That was a big mistake on the man’s part however, because as soon as he did that a cold gust of wind bust the doors open and most of the room around the man was frozen solid in seconds. The sight of this made the empress smile softly she showed this by resting . The empress then rested her head in her hand as she watched her most trusted bodyguard standing between the man and her.

Y/N: You are nothing but a hormonal, pathetic, bastard son of a man who decided to have sex with your whore of a mother. You dare think our Empress would even want you to be her husband!?

The tiger spirit said in anger before grabbing the man’s finger that Jessie had pointed out at the empress before and then proceeded to snap it effortlessly. The man cried out in pain and stammered back holding his now broken finger in shock and horror. The guards in the room had no idea what to do so they made the smart decision not to intervene.

Jessie: M-my hand,! Y-you'll pay for that!

He shouted and then pulled out his firearm from it's holster, but before he could fire a single shot he was burned alive instantly, much to the surprise to the tiger warrior and the guards.

Knowing that the flames could have only come from on person Y/N turned to his empress who had flames coming from her free hand. She had a gaze on the warrior that couldn't be described as anything other than love and desire.

Zhuque Mercy: Nobody hurts my kitten~

The flames from that killed the man wrapped around Y/N, but didn't hurt him at all. Mercy stood up slowly and then opened up her arms and. aAs if on command the flames carried Y/N over to the empress all the while , with his face was completely red with embarrassment.

Soon heY/N was in front of Mercy who quickly pulled him into a tight, loving hold. Y/N didn't know why she was acting like this, that was until without warning she kissed him passionately on the lips.

Y/N’s brainhead: Ohhhhhh!

Y/N’s second head: Ohhhh~

The empress smiled happily, feeling something hard push up against her leg and looked at him teasingly. The two separated from the kiss a few moments later, both of them blushing heavily as a string of saliva still connecting them still.

Zhuque Mercy: Sorry but I've can't wait a whole year to have you as mine.

She said and smiled, smiling lovingly at him, her. Mercy’s heart raced while she somehow managed to look kinda calm despite the fact she really wanted to rip off his clothes and to and ride him like the stallion he was.

Y/N: N-no need to apologise.

He said shyly and laughed nervously at how this didn't go down as he intended. His plan was to come here and purpose to her, but it seems she had a similar idea, because the empress had sneakily put a ring on the warriors finger when they were kissing.

Zhuque Mercy: So will you marry me?

Y/N: T-that's my line, but definitely.

The two smiled lovingly at each other then hugged each other as one of the guards in the room was trying to hold back his excitement.

Guard 1: Yes my OTP is happening!

He then moved his armour up to reveal a shirt with Mercy and Y/N's faces on it. The other guard sighed and in a calm tone said.

Guard 2: We need to get you a hobby or something man...…

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Mercy “cuddling”

The couple later got married, making Y/N the emperor. Soon Mercy got pregnant and had Y/N's children. The new royal family were seen by the people as very kind and caring, one of the greatest generation of the royal bloodline. The family lived out their days in their empire peacefully without any conflict other than girls wanting to sleep with Y/N though sometimes Mercy would allow it if it was someone she knew like her handmaidens.

Y/N is resting in the same bed as Mercy, both naked from the night before. Right now they were cuddling one another.

Y/N: I love you Mercy~

He said softly and looked down at her smiling lovingly at his loving wife. Mercy looked up at him and with her kind and caring voice said.

Zhuque Mercy: I love you too Y/N~

X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now