Zhuque Mercy X Male Reader Part One

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Salmon pink leaves fell from the sakura tree and the sun slowly climbed above mountain tops as The Empress herself awoken from her slumber inside of her bed chamber. With her red silk nightgown barely clinging to her beautiful body she sat up slowly and smiled softly.

Zhuque Mercy: Such a lovely morning. Don't you agree Y/N?

The empress said with her loving and kind voice speaking to her loyal servant and protector who stood beside the entrance with his armour on. Despite him wearing a mask she could tell that her close friend was smiling.

Zhuque Mercy: Enjoying the view~?

She teased playfully and winked at the warrior. He reacted by stiffening up and the empress giggled happily knowing that he was definitely blushing do to her teasing.

Y/N: Y-yes my Empress, the view from your room has always been amazing.

He laughed nervously as he quickly pointed towards the open sliding down leading to the balcony where the beautiful sun rise was happening. Even though she knew he was trying to hide his embarrassment, pretended to believe him.

Zhuque Mercy: I'm happy to hear that Y/N, now let's prepare for the meeting with the monks and the craftsmen guild.

Y/N snapped his fingers and two handmaidens came dashing in with her new royal outfit. Without making a single noise Mercy sat up and strolled towards the privacy panel, closely followed by her handmaidens to aid her in changing.

Y/N: The monks are planning on asking you for the honour to be present for their holy prayer next week and the craftsmen want to know if they could create a statue in your honour.

Zhuque Mercy: I'd ask how you got that information, but knowing you I'm sure you broke into the monks temple and the leader of the craftsmen's house.

Y/N faked a pain sound and looked away dramatically. Mercy smiled more at his actions as she sat up and walked behind the privacy panel to change.

Y/N: I'm wounded, I would never do that...I paid a thief that had been on the loose lately near the rich part of the city to do it then arrested him for breaking, entering, and theft.

Mercy broke out laughing at his confession finding his methods of arrest unique and quite intelligent. The warrior was happy to see that he had pleased her with his actions.

Zhuque Mercy: Thank you for doing that for me Y/N, but next time just arrest the thief and don't abuse your power.

Y/N: Oh you're one to talk, not two days ago you ordered me to jog around the entire palace topless while you flew behind me.

Zhuque Mercy: It was strictly for training purposes, I needed to know if my royal guard is always ready for action.

Y/N: Sure it was...

He rolled his eyes as he said that, Mercy did something similar but both couldn't help but enjoy this. The two had grown up together, so the both of them felt comfortable to debate with one another on topics like this.

Handmaiden 1: Empress are you pleased with your appearance?

Zhuque Mercy: I am, as always your taste in fashion is fantastic. You two are excused now.

The two handmaidens bowed and then left the room with pleased looks on their faces. Mercy was by far the kindest empress to her servants, her father on the other hand was an abusive monster to those who served him, so it was no shock to the staff when they heard a cook had poisoned him.

Y/N: How long has it been?

Zhuque Mercy: How long has it been since what Y/N?

Y/N: How long has it been since the best empress in our history took control of this wonderful empire?

The empress giggled happily at his complement stepped out in from behind her scarlet and rose gold dress made based off her fire abilities. Y/N's eyes widened in shock and awe at her beauty, he couldn't help but notice how much gazing upon her made his heart race. Mercy had a question for him and him alone but was slightly embarrassed about asking it.

Zhuque Mercy: I-I believe that in a week's time it'll be the twentieth anniversary, mind if I ask you a question?

Y/N: Of course not my Empress, ask me anything and I'll tell you.

Zhuque Mercy: Well... what do you think?

She asked nervously and slowly spun around on the spot to show off her dress. Y/N, not wanting to give her a wrong opinion, examined every inch of the dress from top to bottom. He found no faults with the dress so nodded approvingly.

Y/N: Like any outfit, it looks perfect on you my Empress.

He bowed smiling softly as Mercy giggled and then with a teasing voice said.

Zhuque Mercy: Oh really, so your saying that in my birthday suit I'd look perfect?~

Y/N: I've never seen that outfit on you, but I'm sure you look beautiful in it.

It was at that moment Mercy realised her closest friend was still innocent enough to not know what a birthday suit actually meant. It was rather funny for her to see that her rather manly bodyguard still had a innocent side, so Mercy let out an adorable short laugh.

Y/N: Was it something I said?

Zhuque Mercy: Yes and it was cute.

Y/N: C-cute?

He asked nervously and seemed quite embarrassed now which the empress enjoyed so much. The empress walked over to her bodyguard and wrapped her arms around him gently pulling him close. Without a word he hugged her back softly but fairly strong.

Zhuque Mercy: Tomorrow let's go to the flower garden.

Y/N: Of course, it's been a while since we visited. I believe the phoenix flowers have bloomed so it should be lovely.

Mercy smiled happily seeing that Y/N was into the idea and slowly released him from her embrace. The two looked into one another's eye and then smiled happily as they both walked out of the room now prepared to deal with all the tasks they would face today.

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