Female Thanos X Sayian Male Reader Part One

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Spoilers for Infinity War.

No One's Pov

The scolding hot rays of the sun were beating down on the upon Thanas and the small group of heroes battling for the fate of the universe. As Scarlet Witch and Vision worked on destroying the Mind Stone you and the others attempted to fend off the mad woman who had just appeared.

Captain America was the first to charge at the titan but was smacked away by a blast of the Power Stone. Groot tried to slow her down by encasing her in wood and ivy which worked only for a second before Thanas back handed the barrier destroying it effortlessly.

Bucky opened fire on Thanas wanting to gain her attention however the titan simply blasted him away like she had with Cap. Tired from all the fighting from before Thanas showed up you could barely hold your transformation. When it was your time to strike you grit your teeth and sprinted at your enemy.

Before she could prevent you from getting close you managed to fire a ki blast hitting her in the face. However this only blocked her second for a moment.

Trying to use this tiny window of opportunity to attack her further you jumped up and got really to strike the woman. She did nothing more then grab you by the neck when you attempted to punch her across the face.

The clever woman had used the Reality Stone to fact your blasts collision with her face wanting to get you close.

Thanas: I won't kill you Sayian, your race is already so few in numbers.

Despite the fact she wasn't going to kill you she slam you into the ground sending shockwaves through the earth. The impact made you scream out in pain but you managed too stay transformed however it seems even a legendary Super Sayian couldn't stand up against Thanas.

Thanas: Soon you'll all realise how the universe will benefit from my plan.

She said like she was trying to reason with us and get us to give in to her might. With my Sayian blood ablaze I tried to recover from the attack dealt to me but my body was far too weak to move enough to stand.

Y/Ns mind: My transformation is too much strain now... if I want to stay in this fight I'll have to battle her in my base form...

With what little strength you processed in your body you forced yourself to look up. You saw Scarlet Witch trying desperately to keep Thanas at bay by blasting her with her strange powers and destroy the Mind Stone. She'd probably last a few moments before Thanas got to her and killed Vision.

She was crying, Wanda was crying quite a bit now. It wasn't from the stress she was being put under and not from the fear of being killed. Scarlet Witch was crying because she had to either kill the love of her life or watch him be killed by the evil mad woman that in front of her.

You never saw such pure uncorrupted love before in your life, it was like a work of art. So they're love being this for you was like someone burning the Mona Lisa.

Y/N: T-thanas!

You shouted as you dropped out of legendary form and stood up leaning forward panting slightly. Even standing was a bit of a task now. Thanas was shocked and impressed that after suffering such a blow from her.

With that distraction Wanda had time to help vision destroy the Mind Stone, sacrificing himself and a massive explosion of power as a result. The blast had so much force it knocked everyone away including Thanas.

The dust had hardly settled by the time you sat up, you couldn't see anything for some reason. Thinking a tree had fallen on you using your had you attempted to reach around grab whatever was on you to get it off. Upon doing this you felt a soft yet thick material, you also hear a sound you never expected.

You heard a soft sigh of pleasure, whatever you had grabbed moaned. With your dirty mind you figured it was your friend with benefits Black Widow and so squeezed harder and grinned devilishly. In your mind you figured that if you were going to celebrate defeating Thanas it would be by seducing Natasha.

What you were squeezing moaned more and seemed to sit causing light to blind you for a few seconds.

Y/N: Sorry beautiful couldn't help myself~

You said as your member hardened and pressed up against what you thought was your friend with benefits Black Widow's womanhood. Sadly your lustful behaviour was definitely misplaced in this circumstance. You learned this lesson the hard way as upon your eyes adjusting to the light you realised that it was your girlfriend you were making moan, it was the mad titan herself.

Thanas was the one you had be seducing and judging by her expression she was just as embarrassed as you are. The only difference was she had almost god like power and a bit of a temper.

Thanas: Y-your lustful prevert!

She cried out in a mix of rage and embarrassment then blasted you with energy from the power stone instantly knocking you out.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Thanos arguing with Chibi Deadpool.

As you awoke you felt your muscles burn with pain, your body refused to move as it was way too painful to move at all. So you had to remain still feeling the suns rays beat down on you as your head rested on something soft.

Y/N: Steve?....Nat?

You called out thinking you were in the same place you got knocked out. To your confusion the sound of giggling creeped into your ear and something gently touched your forehead.

???: I don't think they can here you child.

Your eyes shot open upon recognising the own of that voice, it was the mad titan herself. Once you were able to see her you noticed something that surprised you more than anything else. Thanas was smiling gently down at you like a lover would at a romantic moment.

Y/N: H-hi T-thanas.

You said very worried as the titan giggled with a soft tone because of your shy studder.

Thanas: Hello Sayian, enjoy your rest?

Her tone gave off a caring motherly vibe to it, despite the danger you believed yourself to be in her voice soothed you.

Y/N: I-it was o-kay I-I suppose.

Thanas: I'm glad to hear that, now prepare yourself little one because I'm going to explain what occurred during your slumber~

She said placing her left hand on your chest gently giving you a sight that horrified you. There on her now damaged gauntlet was all the infinity stones.

Thanas must have seen your shock because she chuckled darkly and said with a dark tone.

Thanas: It's a story you'll want to hear~

Hey guys hopefully I can rebuild to the amount of stories I had before Wattpad without warning deleted my old account

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Hey guys hopefully I can rebuild to the amount of stories I had before Wattpad without warning deleted my old account.

I'm taking requests for stories if so if any of you have a story you want made comment and I might make it.

Have a fantastic day😁.

X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now