Female Thanos X Sayian Male Reader Final part

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The area fell silent, Thanas was shocked into being quietly by this Sayian's trump card he had kept hidden throughout this battle. His eyes just moments ago were full of fear and despair were now burning crimson with the flames of his warrior spirit roaring.

Thanas stepped back prying her hand with the Infinity Gauntlet away from the man’s vice like grip without much effort. Her shock slowly dulled and vanished as quickly as it had formed upon doing this action. It was clear that his power wasn't as strong as before and his breathing was heavier than before.

Thanas: This Kaioken of yours is a desperate attempt at standing against my new power Y/N.

Y/N: Call it whatever you want I don't give a damn!

He swiftly jabbed her right in the face with strong punch. The blow didn't really faze the titan but hurt her slightly.

Thanas clenched her fist and using the strength of the Power Stone threw a ridiculously fast and powerful strike to the Saiyan's gut. Her attack was so power the Saiyan was sent flying into the slope a couple of yards away from his original position.

Thanas felt a warm liquid gently stream down her face from her check as the dust from her attack settled. With her right hand she wiped the liquid to find it was blood, it couldn't have been hers doe because the Saiyan hadn't injured her enough to do that.

Thanas: He can't continue like this unless he has a death wish...

She said to herself in a quietly tone while looking at his blood he much have coughed onto her during the last attack she did. Her eyes then slowly gazed upwards and noticed the Saiyan slowly picking himself up off the ground panting like someone who had done a marathon. That red tone that had formed upon his body was now fading away like a ember in the wind.

Thanas: Y/N...surrender now, your body isn't strong enough to handle this any longer.

The man was now barely standing with blood dripping from his mouth and all his wounds, old and new alike.

Y/N: L-like hell it can't!

Thanas: Alright what is your plan Sayian, you fight me so desperately you either bleed to death or your ribs that I'm sure are shattered will pierce your lungs?

As if on cue the Saiyan fell to his knees and coughed up quite a bit of blood. The Saiyan's trump card had done this to him. He was done for now, he was defenceless and most certainly devastated.

The emotional trauma of the death of his friends death and his failure to avenge them had finally entered his mind. A Saiyan’s pride, built from a decade of undefeated battles had been shattered. Thanas could tell this all from one thing, his lack of attempts to rise up from against her again this time.

The man like a statue, unmoving and almost lifeless stayed on his hands and knees. Just staring at his blood as it slowly dried on the ground. The titan walked over slowly dropping her guard believing the Saiyan was finished.

Thanas: I apologise for having to fight you Sayian, your motives were understandable however there is no reason to fight any longer.

The man didn't reply but simply looked up at her just as she had stopped walking over and was now standing right in front of him. Her height resulted in the titan towering over the defeated man. However she wasn't doing that for long because the woman kneel down and picked the Sayian up bridal style.

Thanas: Your gonna be okay, just rest for now.

She said in a calm almost motherly tone as the man in her are passed out in her arms from exhaustion. She chuckled at this then used the power of the Reality Stone to make him a proper bed to lie on back at the house which was slightly damaged from the battle they had fought moments ago.

Thanas: Hopefully when your healed that boost you Saiyans get from near death doesn't inspire you to try a stunt like this again.

She commented to herself then carried her crush over to the home then laid him down on the bed. She then sighed and once she had calmed down she used the Reality stone to heal both there wounds.

Looking at the males sleeping body in the bed made the titan laugh slightly, he looked adorable to her in the bed in such a deep sleep. She couldn't help but move closer to your face to watch you laugh or smile in your sleep.

Thanas: Goodnight my love~

She said then kissed his lips gently and then laid down besides him spooning the Saiyan. He of course was the little spoon because of the power difference and the fact that he was sleeping.

Soon the titan fell into a deep sleep just like the Saiyan had down in a less peaceful manner a few moments ago. The two left the planet about a week after that fight, Thanas kept the Saiyan close to her at all times like a pet. She even had a chain on him, however either from all her loving acts or from Stockholm Syndrome the man fell for her and began enjoying his new life with the only person he had ever lost to.

 She even had a chain on him, however either from all her loving acts or from Stockholm Syndrome the man fell for her and began enjoying his new life with the only person he had ever lost to

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Hey guys sorry for the long delay for this story, a lot of shit came up and so I wasn't able to write.

But now hopefully I'll be able to publish more often. Also that picture is a little hint to the next story which will probably be out soon.

Anyway have a fantastic day everyone see you all next update😊

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