Mandalorian Jedi Male Reader X Female Clone Troopers Part Three

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It was the night of the rescue mission Jedi Knight Y/N had just finished his medication. Upon finishing he opened his eyes and gazed out of his room to the courtyard. It was raining again just like when he had arrived.

A gentle smile crept onto his face as he watched the rain hit against his window making a lovely sound. The young man hadn't felt so relaxed in so long. He looked down at his lightsabers still on his belt then back to the window.

Y/N: You would have loved it here.

He whispered to himself while he stood up slowly. He shut his eyes to allow himself to sense the force around him. He could sense Amber in her room asleep at her desk with a half written report under her hands.

He couldn't help but chuckle at how hard working Amber was. Now thinking of his new friends he searched for Maroon with the force.

He soon was able to sense she was in the barracks drinking with her sisters in celebration. He felt so much joy from the Arc Trooper that it was hard for him not to feel this joy infect him as well. He opened his eyes slowly and strolled over to the window placing his hand on it. He stared up into the night sky wondering about how long this battle for the planet would take. The longer they stayed here the more troops they'd lose to the Umbarains.

Before he could continue this train of thought was stopped by a knock at the door. He turned to face the entrance and quickly jogged over. The Jedi Knight opened the door to a pleasant surprise. There stood Clone Marine Val with a rather beautiful smile on her face.

Val: Hey shorty.

She said playfully and hugged him closely making Y/N laugh quite a bit at what she called him.

Y/N: I'm taller than you now you can't keep calling me shorty.

He said returning the embrace closing his eyes gently like before but this time focusing on her.

Val: Don't pretend you don't enjoy the nickname you goof.

They laughed lightly together before they pulled away from one another. Y/N then gestured for her to follow him as he strolled back into his room.

Y/N: Come in we can chat in here.

Val nodded and walked in closing the door behind herself as she entered. She looked around and upon seeing the room lacked any personal things she commented.

Val: So umm do Jedi hate personal stuff or are you a minimalist?

He turned to her and shook his head then with a joyful chuckle answered.

Y/N: No you should see my room at the temple it's much better than here.

Val smiled brightly and sat on his bed. Y/N soon joined her sitting right next to the Marine. A sigh of happiness came from the Jedi's mouth.

Y/N: I'm happy the force brought you back to me, I missed our banter.

Val nodded in agreement then pulled out a standard issue communication device. She turned it on and a message from Plot Koon began to play. The Jedi Knights eyes widened as he saw his master appear as a hologram message.

Plo Koon: Commander Val, I require you to go to Umbara, Y/N is there and since this is his first mission as a Jedi knight I believe you could be of great help to him.

When the message finished it began repeating itself until Val soon turned it off. Y/N turned his sight from the device to Val who was already looking at him.

Val: I hope you don't think he doesn't have faith in you Y/N, I think he's just trying to keep you safe.

As she spoke in a caring voice the woman cupped his cheek gently. He closed his eyes and leaned his head into her hand a little.

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