Male Symbiote Host Reader X Female Symbiote Part Two

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The sun began to awaken from its sleep as Y/N finally finished his patrol of the city. He was delayed quite a bit due two robberies, a police squad chasing after him and helping a weird women off a roof she had apparently gotten herself stuck on.

Venom: Is it me or has crime gotten worse lately?

Y/N: Yeah I noticed that, doesn't help the police never seem to like me.

Venom: Come on that's not true, there's that nice guy...what was his name again?

Y/N: I have no idea who your talking about.

The man said with a chuckle as his symbiotic friend made adorable thinking noises trying to figure out that guys name. As the two talked they landed on the roof of Y/N's apartment as lightning striked behind them. A shadow of them shined down onto the street for a single moment. In that shadow was one figure staring upwards at the hero.

Venom: Come on you do, remember he was the guy who helped us track down Tombstone?

Y/N: Oh Miles...yeah I barely remember him plus I don't think he liked me.

Venom: Look he didn't really enjoy it but it's the best you got so far.

Y/N: Well nice to see someone believes I can make friends

Venom: Of course, now let's get some rest before you pass out...again.

Y/N: Never gonna let that go are you...

Venom: You passed out as we were swinging, if it weren't for me you'd be in the hospital or worse.

Y/N: You sound like my mother...

He said as he crawled into his apartment through a open window and sighed in relief happy to be home. The man then feel down on his sofa to fall asleep, well attempted to at least. At the last second Venom sent out webs into the ceiling to stop him.

Venom: Well if someone acted like an adult I wouldn't have to act like your mother.

She then took control of his body moment and walked him to his bed and laid him down under the blanket. After that she reverted back into his body and he smiled slightly.

Y/N: You love it don't lie.

He teased playfully as he yawned in as he adjusted himself in the bed as Venom sighed in defeat.

Venom: Oh shut it you dumby you need to sleep.

Y/N: Okay mom.

He said and gently began to drift off to sleep as Venom secretly covered his body again because his awful apartment wasn't able to keep out the cold very well. All the while both of them where unaware of someone watching them from a distance.


Venom: Y/N wake up!

Venom whispered in his mind and slapped him with his own hand to make sure he'd wake up. Y/N groaned in slight annoyance and sat up slowly.

Y/N: You are the most annoying alarm clock...

Venom: Sorry for trying to help you out, someone broke in without me knowing!

The hero's eye's widened in shock because Venoms spider sense was meant to be amazing. He remembered her explaining that symbiotes on there hosts can sneak by undetected.

Without another word Venom covered Y/N and he shot up as the sun shined through the windows. The subtle ticking coming from the living room.

Suddenly the Spider sense went insane and while not thinking Y/N jumped through his bedside window. Seems he was right in his judgement however because moments later an explosion incinerated the small apartment.

X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now