Male Symbiote Host Reader X Female Symbiote Part Three

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Weeks had passed since the attack on the apartment. Venom and Y/N had been hiding out in a run down house near his ex's home. Y/N had been so stressed since then and Venom had been trying constantly to ease his mind.

Not to mention being this close to his former lover made me start thinking about all the fun he had with her, before he because the new Spider-Man.

Venom: Y/N go to her.

Y/N: Who are you talking about?

He said playing dumb not wanting to discuss this with Venom. However Venom replied with a saddened sigh and responded by covering his body slowly.

Venom: Y/N...we are one so I know you miss her.

Y/N: V-venom I'd rather not ta-

The symbiote interrupted him by covering his body from head to toe in herself. She then began to make Y/N massage his body all over making Y/N slightly confused until

Venom: You know I love you Y/N... but your lying to yourself if you think you shouldn't go back to her.

Y/N: V-venom I-

She pushed herself inwards on his lips to kiss him the best way she knew how. It silenced him and he slowly kissed back moaning softly. The sound of wood being crushed and cracking could be heard from outside but the two were too distracted to notice.

Venom seemed delighted he was showing that much affection back and tightened around him a bit more like she was hugging him possessively.

A few seconds later she stopped kissing him so he could breath. When she did Y/N panted a bit from lack of air for the minute without air.

Y/N: V-venom thank you for that.

He said blushing heavily because technically that was the first woman he had kissed in months.

Venom: Awww you're blushing so adorably!

Venom teased playfully and using his body walked towards the window and pointed towards Candace's house.

Y/N: Fine I'll go to her...seriously you're still like my mother...

Venom: If your mother did anything like what we just did then I suggest telling a professional.

Y/N laughed happily from that joke, Venom felt a warm feeling inside herself when she heard him laughing again. Ever since the apartment attack he'd been very nervous about sneak attacks. At one point it got so bad Venom had to tie Y/N up and cuddle him to sleep just to make sure he'd rest.

About a few more seconds of laughing continued until he began to calm down and hugged himself to hug Venom.

Y/N: Thank you Venom, I'm happy I have you in my life.

Venom: And I'm happy I have you too.

They spent a few hours just cuddling one another. Every now and again hearing the ceiling creak or crack. They brushed it off as birds because this building was almost completely uninhabitable from how run down it was.

Y/N rested peacefully in Venom’s web she had made earlier. That was until suddenly a familiar voice called out from across the room.

???: Y/ that you?

Hearing that voice woke the man from his rest and in a surprised manner he looked to where the voice came from.

To his amazement and fear Candace Kasady was standing there wearing, a red flannel shirt he didn't recognise and black jeans that were ripped at the knees.

Y/N: C-candace...

Y/N hadn't built up the nerve to text her yet let alone actually talk to her while he's wearing his super suit. She cautiously stepped towards him as the hero slowly sat up. His mask pulled back to reveal his face without Venom saying a thing.

Candace: It is you. Y/N what happened to you...

She said longingly as she gazed into his E/C eyes. Slowly the two former lovers walked towards each other until suddenly Venom stopped him.

Y/N: Umm Venom?

He asked mentally and suddenly Venom shot a web at a loose brick from the wall and smashed it against Candace's face.

Candace: Ahhh!

She cried out in pain and held the back of her head, red liquid seemed to be coming from the wound.

Y/N: Venom what the hell!?

Venom: Ever hear of love is blind?

She said as Candace fell to the ground holding her head in pain. Y/N wanted to try helping her but Venom didn't allow it.

Venom: We didn't text her or call her so how could she have found us?

That question made Y/N stop and think about the situation and slowly put together what was actually happening.

Y/N: Wait a second...

Venom: Wow you must be really sleepy still if your finding this hard to figure out...Penny in the air...

Y/N: Hey I will have you know I'm sleepy and still waking up so you can-

He was interrupted because his spider sense went wild and he dodged to see the brick that was thrown moments ago fly past his head.

Candace: For the love of god shut up you idiot!

She screamed as the red liquid from before quickly covered her whole body revealing her to be the villain Carnage.

Y/N: Ohhhh...

Venom: And penny landed...

Y/N quickly fired two web shots at her then swung in for a kick to the stomach while she attempted to block the projectiles. His powerful swing kick sent her through one of the dilapidated walls.

She flipped in the air and shot a web which stuck onto Y/N and Venom. As a result they got pulled outside, thankfully Venom had the sense to cover his face again and so they landed on the street together prepared to battle.

 As a result they got pulled outside, thankfully Venom had the sense to cover his face again and so they landed on the street together prepared to battle

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X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now