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Chapter 30: Together Again

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I was shoved to the ground landing hard on my knees and hands, scraping them in the process. I reach up to the back of my neck to rub it to soothe the pain. After doing so I was kicked at the side making me fall.

Snapping my head in his direction I glare up at him while laying on my side. "I'm not leaving without you, if I have to I'll go to greater lengths to keep you in place," he says, then from behind his back, he pulls out a single dagger.

My eye widened, I quickly crawl back in fear not having anything to defend myself with. As I came to the railing of the bridge I pull myself up. And just as I was going to turn away I stop and Darius charges towards me. I go to run again but he catches my arm and his nails dig deep into my skin enough to draw blood.

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not Princess, and you will marry me unless you want to die on this bridge tonight-"

"Not if I can help it!" another voice chimes in.

Before I had time to turn my head to see who my savior was, Levi jumps Darius forcing them both to the ground. The two wrestle each other trying to flip one another over. Levi remained straddling Darius while punching him in the face.

Darius pushed and shoved at Levi trying to get him off but it was no use he couldn't tear the small man off of him nor flip him over. I walk around them then take a step closer. "Levi that's enough," I call out trying to get them to stop.

"You think can just take her from me?!" Levi yells as he continues to punch him. I jolt back as Levi's arms swing back rather far.

Darius didn't put up much of a fight and seemed to be getting tired from being punched so much in the face. His face was becoming bloody mainly from his mouth and nose as Levi's fists continued to pound into his face. "Levi, please-

I reach out to grab him but before I could Darius had a large stone in his hand in which he bashed it into Levi's skull. I gasp and go towards Darius trying to rip the stone out of his hand but he hits Levi upside the head once more causing the short male to fall limp and off his hips. Quickly grabbing Levi I pull him away while keeping a hateful glare on the man in front of me who had just injured someone I cared- someone, I loved dearly.

I held Levi in my arms as his head laid limp on my chest. With my right hand, I feel around hoping he carried some type of weapon. When I found a small revolver at his waist I pull it out and point it at Darius. "Don't come any closer!" I shout.

Darius stood there with the dagger in his hands with a smirk. "Let him go and come with me. If you do I'll let you both live," he warns me once more.

I shook my head, my hands shaking at the fact I might have to shoot this man. He takes another step closer and I cock the pistol. I had one shot or so I believed, I wouldn't know I've never shot a gun before. I wasn't even sure if it was loaded. "I mean it, I'll shoot," I warn him.

He steps back only for a moment, "What do you think you'll gain by marrying someone like him? He's got no money, absolutely nothing in his name. If you marry me, you'll have everything. Your homeland, riches beyond what you can imagine. A castle by the sea- everything." he tries to convince me.

I shake my head. "That may be true, but he's more of a man than you'll ever be." I insult him. Darius didn't seem to like it, he takes a step closer, I shut my eyes and pull the trigger scared out of my mind. But after a moment my eyes open and I find nothing happened, Darius still stood there perfectly fine. I-It wasn't loaded-

Then my head shot up when King Darius groans and there was a shuffling sound. To my surprise, it was Hanji and Erwin. "Guys-"

"Took us long enough...sorry (Y/N)," Hanji says.

Erwin pins Darius to the ground and more people show up, mainly the police. As I held Levi in my arms a Hanji and Mikasa came to my side to aid me. Thankfully I wasn't all too hurt, but I was worried for Levi. Looking down at his face and Hanji examines him, I knew then for sure that I couldn't live without him. And I would do just about anything to remain by his side.

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