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Chapter 27: It's Not The Same

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Knocking on the door I step in after hearing Erwin tell me to come in. Peeking my head through the crack I find Davidson walking out of the room. Stepping in I find Hanji sitting on the bench. "I thought I'd stop by to say goodbye one last time," I tell them.

They both smile, Hanji was the first to jump me with a tight hug. I simply pat her on the back before peeling her off of me. Erwin then comes up and places his hand on my shoulder. "You keep her safe eyebrows, you hear me?" I ask.

He nods. "Will do," he says softly.

"We still think this is a mistake, Levi-"

I shake my head. "This is the one thing I'm doing right," I tell them.

They both look at me, their smiles turning into frowns. With a sigh, I say goodbye one last time before leaving. As I shut the door to the room they were in I felt relief, no longer having to worry about anyone else. My job was done.


After Levi left, it was time for my dance lessons. I danced with a random man I never met before, I was uninterested in it. It wasn't the same as when I danced with Levi that one time.

The memory of us dancing together came to mind and how flustered he was while doing so. His attempts to compliment me made me smile to myself. But as reality faded back in, and I realized he and I could no longer dance together again. My smile fades.


On my way out I peek through the window, (Y/N) was dancing with a random man. Probably lessons. I recall the one time we danced and how beautiful she looked. Even now she looked just as good. I stop and watch for a moment as the man spins her out then reels her back in. She had gotten better I'll give her that. A lot better than how we danced.


"Levi," he calls, while waving his hand beckoning me to come over. I stood there for a moment before Hanji shoves me forward, glancing back I glare at her. She smiles and shoos at me, grumbling softly I walk over.

Erwin grabs my arm and places me in front of (N/N), I chuckle nervously, "I'm not very good at it." I warn her. She raises her right hand and places it on my shoulder. Taking her left hand in my right, my other hand rests at her side.

Quickly I look at my feet as we dance at a rather fast pace with Erwin counting. "No, no no," Erwin says before coming over to me stopping us both. We both part and look to Erwin allowing him to tell us what needed to be fixed.

"(N/N), you don't lead- let him," Erwin instructs.

She nods then turns to me, we resume the previous position, this time going much slower. Erwin steps away as we both step back and forth. Shit, what do I say? I clear my throat and look her in the eyes. "That uh dress is really beautiful," I say.

"You think so?" she asks.

Turning together we got farther away from Erwin and Hanji. "Yes..I mean it looked good on the hanger but i-it looks better on you...you should wear it." I ramble nervously, spinning her out she smiles.

"I am wearing it," she says as I bring her back in towards me.

"Right, of course....I'm...I'm just trying to give you uh uhm-"

"A compliment." she finishes for me.

We start to get slower as we sway back and forth for a moment. "Yes of course," I mutter. We continued to dance silently after that while both Hanji and Erwin watched us. They didn't stop us or correct us, so we must've been doing something right. She couldn't stop smiling, and I couldn't stop looking. God get a grip.

Eventually, we slow down and spin once before stepping back and forth. "I'm feeling a little dizzy," she says.

"Kind of light-headed?" I ask.

"Yeah," she answers softly.

"Me too," I say, we eventually come to a stop and I hadn't noticed. "Probably from spinning." her hands were in mine now as I continue to smirk at her. "Maybe we should stop," I mutter.

We were closer now, but not close enough. "We have stopped," she says. When the realization hit me I tilt my head, my smirk grows bigger.

"(N/N) I-" I stop slowly leaning in now.

"Yes?" she asks.

We both shut our eyes as we both lean into one another, but I stop just a couple of inches from her face, my smirk drops and I slowly back off. I open my eyes and look away from her, down at her hands. "You're doing fine," I say, with her right hand I pat it gently twice before walking away.

~Memory Over~

After taking another moment to admire her improved skills, I then walk off heading for the hotel to grab my things. Then I would leave and never return.

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