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Chapter 7: Unspoken Attraction

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~The Next Day~


On the train that next morning, I sat across from Erwin and Hanji. Levi came in with his bag and put it on the shelf above my seat. Levi then takes a seat next to me and I slouch a little while holding my locket in my hands.

I was trying to open it yet again before Levi nudges my arm. "Stop fiddling with that thing, and sit up straight. Remember you're the princess." he reminds me.

I roll my eyes and slouch even more. "How is it you know what Princess do and don't do?" I ask.

He smirks and leans closer to me. "I make it my business to know," he says.

"Oh," I mutter.

"Look (N/N) I'm just trying to help, okay?" he asks.

Slowly I sit up and rest my hands on my lap. "Levi."


"Do you really think I'm royalty?" I ask.

"Of course."

I lean into him now with a soft glare. "Then stop telling me what to do," I tell him in an annoyed tone. This caused Hanji to burst into laughter while Erwin smirks.

"She certainly has a mind of her own," Erwin says.

I hear Levi grumble. "Yeah I hate that in a woman," he mumbles, that's when I turn my head and stuck my tongue out at him like a child. Erwin then chuckles shortly before looking back at his lap that had a book in it.

I decided I'd go and grab something to eat. Standing up I maneuver myself to the door of our little sitting-room and slip out into the hallway. There were a few people out and about, I head for the dining cart where I'd find something to eat.

In there I went to the buffet. With a plate, I place some food on it while slowly shuffling to the end of the line. When I turn to go sit at a table I felt a sharp pain on my arm that was at my side. I nearly drop the plate in my other hand but manage to balance myself out after. There was a man by me with a knife, he looks at me in shock.

"I'm so sorry, here let me," he says as he places a cloth on my arm.

"Oh, thanks I'm alright though," I say. He takes the cloth away and walks away seeing that I didn't need any help. Well, I could've still used the cloth...oh well.

He nods and begins to walk off leaving me by myself again. I let out a sigh, then check my arm I find I have a large cut on my arm but it was mostly hidden by my baggy sleeve. I watched as other people took their food back to their booths to sit and eat so, I decided to do the same.

Sliding the door open I find that Hanji and Erwin were gone. "Where did they go?" I ask.

"Hanji went to the bathroom and Erwin is probably in the dining cart," Levi says. Funny I didn't see him there. I shrug it off and go sit across from him and eat my food silently. I watched as he was writing things down in a small notebook. I wonder what he's writing.

I lift my other hand to pick at my food some more, but before I could put any food in my mouth Levi leans forward and grabs my wrist. "What the hell happened here?" he asks, his face went from stoic to concern rather quickly.

"Oh it's nothing, someone accidentally cut me-"

"That's a big ass cut (N/N)," he says.

I let out a sigh and extend my arm out while he stands up to grab the first aid kit he brought in case any of us got hurt. "It's just a cut, nothing I haven't had before-"

"Well, you should take better care of yourself. You're a princess and your image is everything. There are people who don't like seeing scars on people." he informs me.

I groan softly and roll my eyes once more. "You make royalty sound so boring." I groan.

He lets out a 'tch' while he cleans out my wound. After he wraps my arm up in a bandage he sighs and leans back. "You know, we got off on the wrong foot here," he says.

"I think we did too," I say, then looking up at him I smirk. "And I appreciate your apology," I tell him.

He then darts his head in my direction with a confused look on his face. "Apology? Who said anything about an apology, I was just saying-

"Look don't talk to me, it's only gonna annoy me," I tell him.

"Fine, I'll be quiet- I'll be quiet if you be quiet."

"I'll be quiet," I answer.

"Fine," he says.

"Fine," I say, I had to have the last word, sighing I look out the window, he groans and turns away. "Do you think you're gonna miss it?" I ask.

"What you're talking?" he asks.

I turn and glare at him before pointing at the window. "Roseri," I answer.

"No." he answers.

"But wasn't it your home?" I ask, now trying to get to know him a little.

His head rises slowly. "It was a place I once lived end of story," he says.

"Then you plan on making Balis your new home?" I assume.

He groans in annoyance and turns to me. "What is it with you and home?" he asks.

I stand up and turn to him with a glare. "Well, for one thing, it's what every normal person wants and for another thing-" I stop and try and move his legs that were now blocking my path to the door. "It's a thing where you-"

"What?" he asks.

Frustrated I jump up on the seat and go around. "Oh forget it!" I snap, coming out on the other side I finally met with Hanji who came through the door.

"Oh thank god, can you please tell him to go away!" I say.

"What did he do now?" she asks.

"Me? It's her, she's the-"

I groan loudly as I leave again with the plate that was now empty. God, he's so annoying! I storm my way down the hall and back into the dining cart to give the workers my plate.


I watch as Hanji goes to pull a blanket from her bag. "Maybe it's an unspoken attraction." Hanji mumbles.

"Are you serious? With that shitty little brat?" I bark back at her.

Hanji giggles while I head out of the booth. "Unspoken attraction my ass," I grumble. Here the fuck is Erwin? I storm my way towards where Erwin was supposed to be when I found him that's when I started to ramble, and vent to him. This was gonna be a long ass ride.

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