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Chapter 29: The Mad King

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I came to after hitting a bump. My eyes flutter up and I glance around, as my vision became clear a familiar face sat before me. Rubbing my eyes I swing my feet off the seat and sit properly letting my dress fall with my legs.

"Glad to see you awake Princess." the man says.

"What am I doing here? I'm supposed to be..." my words trail off into nothing as I gaze at the man in front of me. He was different from my nightmares, he didn't seem all that frightening. At first.

"There will be no need, I'm taking you back to my country-"

"Like hell I am." I interrupt.

King Darius chuckles softly, his eyes avert downward looking at his own hands for a split second. Then his eyes return to me, and he grins gently. "My apologies, but it wasn't a request of whether or not you were to come with me. I'm taking you and that's final," he argues.

"I am not a piece of property you can so idly take. My mother will-"

He laughs softly and hunches forward. "Do you honestly think your mother is looking for you now? If anything she's too busy hosting her gala," he says.

"But the guards-"

"Were told you left for your chambers, they won't suspect a thing of your disappearance," he says.

My eyes dart to the door, my heart racing in pure fear now that I was stuck in a car with a mad King probably planning on killing me. But first before jumping, my eyes narrow. "What is it you want with me? If you were going to kill me why not do it now and save yourself the trouble? Why take me back to your homeland..." I trail off as I connect the dots. He wasn't taking me back to kill me, he was planning on an arranged marriage. That way he'd have claim over me and my lands.

"You pick up quick Princess, I'm impressed," he says.

My eyes turn to a hateful glare, slowly moving over to the door I grab onto the handle. "I wouldn't try that if I were you, we are going rather fast Princess," he warns.

I turn to glare at him again. "I would rather die than marry you," I say. And with that, I open the door and jump out. Rolling on the hard cobblestone, the car rushes forward. Looking forward I find it at the corner of the block. Quickly I pick myself up and turn to run in the opposite direction.

Lifting the skirt of my dress up I kick my heels off and begin running away, I didn't care where I'd end up as long as it wasn't with Darius. This is like that night all over again. Only this time Levi isn't here to save me, nor is Kostina. I ran for as long as I could creating enough distance between me and the car. I was surprised I didn't see the car speed toward me.

After running for a few minutes I turn back finding them chasing after me but they were too far back. Turning the corner I came to an empty bridge. It was eerie, with the warm air and cool water it created fog. The bridge had lights on either end but none in the middle. Standing in the middle I took a breather, my feet ached from the hard stone but even before they ached from the heels I had worn tonight.

I couldn't keep running, my body was too tired and the corset was too tight. I was out of breath and on the verge of collapse. Leaning against the ledge I huff trying to catch my breath. He's never going to leave me alone, is he? He's always going to be my number one threat.

Then my head darts up at the sound of shoes scuffing against the ground. I look to find Darius standing there also out of breath. We were frozen, staring at one another waiting to see who would make the first move. I quickly pivot and go to run off but before I could even take the first step he roughly grabs the back of my neck, his nails digging into my skin. "Ah~" I groan in pain.

"You're mine."

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