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Chapter 1: Safe & Simple

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I never imagined something like this to happen. But a king always has enemies lurking somewhere. I just never imagined it would be someone I believed to be a close friend of my father's.

The horrifying images of his limp body bleeding out on the floor remained vivid in my mind as I took off down the hall. His guards along with himself rushed after me separating me from my own mother.

I held the skirt of my gown up so I wouldn't trip and get caught. I knew if I did get caught I would be killed on the spot. He planned to slaughter us, the king of Sinira. The now opposing country that was willing to start a war.

Making a sharp turn around the corner I bump into someone. We both fell to the ground, I didn't have time to sit around and check if he was alright, scurrying to my feet I grab his hand helping him up. "Help me!" I plead.

His jet black hair was a mess but looking into his steel eyes I could tell he was concerned yet scared probably from hearing all the commotion. He squeezes my hand before pulling me down the hall. "This way!" he says.

"There she goes!" I hear a man shout behind me.

The boy and I pick up the pace rushing down the long hall, I hoped it wasn't a dead-end because then it wasn't only my life on the line but the boys'. We turn onto another corner before the guards could see us the boy shoves me into a cleaning supply closet. It had a single window.

It looked big enough for both of us to slip through. "Go, I'll hold them off." the boy says.

He pushes me up towards the window as I climb on the crates. I look back as my hands lay on the windows. "But you will be killed! Come with-"

"Get out of here," he mutters hastily.

I do as told and with all my might push the window open. I look back once more before jumping out, it was a high jump. Once I hit the grass I took off to the woods that surrounded the castle. Jumping and ducking I got quite a ways from the castle, but I knew that soon they'd find I was nowhere in the castle and would start looking elsewhere.

I glance back for a mere moment which was a horrible mistake. Due to my lack of checking where I was going, I slip on a wet rock by the stream. The water was fast due to a nearby waterfall, and thanks to that I was caught in the current. In the water, I tried to swim get close to the other side of the stream and climb up but it was no use. And once I came to the waterfall there was no saving me then.

~Dream Over~

I shot up from my small bed. Huffing softly I place my hand over my racing heart. Not again. My head darts when there was a knock at my door. My caretaker. Stepping in she smiles gently. "Oh you're awake good," she says.

I let out a sigh and slip out of the bed. "Yeah, do you need help making breakfast?" I ask. She nods and smiles gently still.

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute," I tell her.

She nods and shuts the door again, I then turn to my dirty mirror looking back at myself. Kostina, my caretaker found me at nine years old wandering around. Or so she says, since then I have no memory of what happened to me before she found me. She was the only family I had but I always wondered if there was somebody else.

As I got ready for the day I meet Kostina out in the small kitchen. After finding me Kostina and I took refuge on Anari Island, the island had three main towns, I lived in Roseri. The island was south of Anari itself. Due to King Darius trying to take over Anari most of the folk came to the island after hearing that the island may split away from Anari and become its own country.

But years passed and nothing of the sort has happened yet. Walking up to Kostina she steps aside allowing me to help with the dishes from last night's dinner. "Did you have the dream again?" she asks.

She was the only one who knew about my dream about King Darius chasing me, and the boy who saved me. But it was only a dream, there was no logical reason why King Darius would be chasing me. "Yes," I answer curtly.

"Maybe it must mean something," she mutters.

I shrug my shoulders. Who knows. "Maybe you should go into town today. Get out a little, you've been cooped up here for days. Maybe you'll meet a handsome fellow?" Kostina says.

"Maybe, I'll pick up some stuff up for dinner tonight," I tell her.

She smiles and nods. That's how it was each and every day I came to this island. Simple, and safe. I never asked her about my family, because I didn't think she'd know anything about them. After I had gotten the dishes washed, I get ready to head into town. Hoping, something new happens.

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