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Chapter 9: Lie

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On the boat, I watched as it got further and further away from the island. My home, I didn't know when I'd be back here, maybe I would never return. With my bag in my hand, I let out a long sigh before going to head to my cabin.

Walking down the stairs I came to the door, it was slightly open and I could hear talking. "(A/N)* knows we're coming right?" Hanji asks. (A/N)=(Aunt/Name)

"Yes, I set the letter as we left Roseri." Erwin answers.

There was a short pause and I nearly walk in. "I still think we should tell (N/N). That she needs to convince (A/N)." Hanji says.

Convince? I thought- "If we tell her, she'll want to leave-" I swing the door open and they all look back at me.

"No one ever said I had to prove I was the Princess," I say. Quickly Hanji and Levi jump to their feet ready to catch me.

"Look I-"

"Show up, look nice fine. But lie?" I ask.

Levi then comes up to me. "You don't know it's a lie, what if it's true?" he asks.

I grumble softly before turning away from him. I go to walk away but he grabs my arm. "Alright so we have one more stop on the road to finding out who you are...but I thought this was something you had to see through until the very end," he says.

Then I grab onto my shirt and tug at the bottom of my shirt. "But look at me Levi- I'm not exactly royalty material here," I tell him. I let out a groan and walk past him back to Hanji and Erwin.

"Look (N/N), we will find you new clothes, and teach you the ways of royalty. Sure it's not what you expected but this way you can find out if they are your family. It's worth a shot even if you have to prove it." Hanji says.

I turn away from them too. God, this situation has only gotten worse. What kind of trouble could we get into if they find out I was lying? Surely I'd be locked away for impersonation. "(N/N), there is nothing back there for you. Everything is in Balis." Hanji says.

"Hanji is right, you've come this far already," Levi says.

I then turn to Erwin seeing if he had any input on this. "It's up to you Princess," he says. Looking down at my necklace I let out a sigh. I need to know if I have a family there.

"Fine," I answer. "But no more secret meetings. I want to trust you guys...and I can't do that when you're talking about things behind my back. I need to know what is to be expected of me." I tell them.

They all nod in agreement, I set my bags in the room. But after, Hanji locks her arm around me, leading me out to the main deck we stop at look out at the sea. The wind blowing fast into the sails helping it move along. "I'm sorry to leave you out. Levi isn't one to like being open with many people...even at times, he doesn't tell me and Erwin anything. There is so little we know about him." she tells me.

"Then how do you trust him?" I ask.

"We just do, he's very protective over the people he cares for...he found me being beaten by a group of men because I stole food for myself," she explains.

"To me, he doesn't really seem to care much about anything," I mutter.

"You'll see as you get to know him more, and come to realize that isn't true," she says.

I nod hoping she was right, I let out a sigh and look out at the water. "What is (A/N) like?" I ask.

Hanji shrugs her shoulders. "I hear she's a lot nicer than the Queen," she says. "Do you want to tell me where you got that necklace?" she asks me next. I look down at it and grab the pendant.

"I've had it for as long as I could remember. It's supposed to open but it won't budge no matter how hard I try. Even with a hammer, it won't open." I tell her.

She takes the pendant and examines it, and turns it to the side. "Well there is a keyhole here," she says.

"I know, I've tried to pick it," I tell her.

Hanji hums softly before releasing my necklace allowing it to fall back onto my chest. "Maybe when we get to Balis, we can have a blacksmith try and open it," she says. I nod in agreement before looking back out at the ocean. I wonder what it's like there, in Balis.

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