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Chapter 5: Familiar Things

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I walk up a different trail wondering if I was even going the right way. The trail was long, really long, as I look back I let out a sigh. I'm beginning to think that old lady was just screwing with me. But soon after walking for miles, I finally came to the old looking mansion. It was boarded up, slowly walking up I step up on the deck. So this is the place...

I pulled the boards off the front door and slip through with ease. The house was dark but with the little light slipping through the windows I made my way over into what looked to be a dining room. "H-hello?" I call.

There was no answer, so I made my way through the house. Going into a living space, I found many objects laying on the coffee table. Coming up to the table I kneel before it looking at the objects. My fingers run along the vase, it had bears on it. Why does this look so...familiar?

With a sigh, I stand back up and look at the other objects, such as a fancy brush and mirror. Taking the mirror into my hands I look at my own reflection. After seeing myself I set the mirror down and move onto the other objects. There were different furs too and a dress on a manikin.

I could then hear voices, my head looks up wondering if there was someone upstairs. As I walk out of the living space I stop when I don't hear anything new. Turning I look around the foyer a little longer seeing paintings along the walls. It sure does seem like someone is keeping things here.

I suddenly then heard footsteps coming from upstairs. Quicking I head for the stairs and rush up to them. When I came to the top of them I stood at the end of a long hallway. I glance behind me finding a large portrait with a man, woman, and child. My eyes narrow trying to focus on the faces. Strange... Looking more closely at the little girl I didn't know someone had come out of one of the rooms. My fingers run along the painting of the canvas.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I hear a man call.

I turn back finding a man with jet black hair looking my way. Oh shit, there is someone here. I stood there for only a moment before taking off back down the stairs. This is the wrong place, it has to be.

Rushing down the stairs I dash over to the front door, but before I could sleep through the space between the boards, my arm was caught. Darting my head back I look to find the same man holding my wrist. His eyes were wide and he slowly pulls me away from the door. His grip wasn't tight but still, I wasn't sure what he'd do to me after I've broken into his home.

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