It thudded against the glass until the room turned red and the entity stayed in place.

Commander Holt and his associates helped contain the entity in a secure casing.

I stood next to Allura, slightly shaking at the mere sight of it as it floated in its container.

"This unit uses the ship's crystal to energize the optronic vacuum casing." Sam explained, "It was designed to contain diseases, but it should suffice until we find a more permanent solution."

"Thank you, Sam." Allura said glaring at the orb. "That thing, it was as if it was communicating with me."

Allura turned to me, "Zurine, it didn't hurt you, did it?"

I shook my head, "I felt some pain, but it has lessened for now."

I hated to lie to Allura, but I didn't want her to worry about whatever pain I had been feeling. I bit down the throbbing headache and the thumping in my chest, just so she wouldn't have to worry too much.

"However, whatever this is, it is no doubt the way Honerva connects with the Alteans sent in the Robeasts." I said.

Sam looked at us concerned, "Perhaps you two should get some rest. Its best if everyone stays away fron this until we learn more about..." Sam's voice faded in my mind. I stared at the entity, slowly being pulled into a void in my owm mind.

"Allura? Zurine?" I heard Sam say. Allura and I gasped, turning back towards Sam and away from the entity.

"You're right. Best to stay away." Allura said. I nodded and followed Allura back to our rooms.

I sat on my bed with my newest crystal in my hands, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said, smiling when Keith came into my room. He smiled back and sat down next to me.

"Whatcha doing, Zurine?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me. I twisted myself around, leaning against the wall and settling myself comfortably on his lap.

"Nothing, really, just creating crystals. It helps clear my mind." I answered. Keith's smile dimmed a little when I said that.

"Are you feeling all right?" He asked, "You've been overworked lately and you're starting to look a little pale."

I chuckled and leaned closer to his chest, "I'm all right, just a headache or two. Everything going on has been a little overwhelming, so I'll need to rest for a while."

Just then, Shiro's voice came over the speakers.

"Atlas crew, prepare for a detour. We've been invited to a planet for a celebration called Clear Day." He said.

I smiled at the mention of a celebration.

"We should go when we arrive, it will really help us relax." I suggested.

I nodded and closed my eyes to sleep until we arrived, however, as I slept, I was not peaceful.

My dreams were dark and a whispering voice was calling to me.

"You can't escape. She will destroy all."

The voice repeated that phrase over and over again until I was shook awake by Keith.

"Hey, we arrived at the planet. You feeling up to going down to the festival?" Keith asked softly.

I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "Yes, I'm feeling better. No headaches." I smiled, hiding the pain I was greatly choking back.

My head felt like a sledgehammer was banging on my skull with full force. But, my heart was telling me to not tell anyone. And I agreeded with it.

I got dressed, after Keith left the room of course, then looked at my reflection in the nearby mirror.

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