Razor's Edge

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Keith POV~~~~~~~

I stared at the woman in front of me. A Galra woman whom helped escape with from a base not too long ago.

Her name was Krolia.

And she had just said that she was my mother.

"You're my mom? How?" I asked, still processing the surprise secret I was told.

"How did you get to Earth? How-- how did you meet my dad? How-- how are you so sure?" The questions flew off my tongue with rapid speed.

She stared at me with eyes filled with so many emotions.

"I'm sure." She said, "This isn't how I hoped to meet you again, and this isn't how I wanted to tell you, but it's the truth. We can talk about this later."

"What?" I said wanting to know more, "You drop a bomb on me like this and tell me you'll explain it later?"

"We've got more important things to deal with right now."

I looked down and away, muffling my grunt of agitation and pushing down my curiosity.

"Fine." I said.

She sighed and explained our next plan of action, "We're going after the enriched quintessence that created Ranveig's super weapon."

My eyes widened, "What? Kolivan and I have been searching for that same quintessence for a long time."

"I was with Ranveig when an unmarked cargo ship passed into his region." She recounted, "When we checked it out, there was no crew on board. The ship had been nearly torn to pieces, but inside, a single vat of quintessence remained. It was unlike any other quintessence we'd seen."

"Were there navigation records aboard?" I asked. Krolia shook her head.

"No, but I analyzed the ship personally. The radiation signature indicated it had passed through the quantum abyss."

"Quantum abyss? What's that?"

"It's a part of the galaxy where dense neutron stars orbit even larger dark stars. In the quantum abyss, planets and other celestial bodies are being pulled and torn in different directions. It's a chaotic, ever-changing environment. And the presence of such massive objects has unusual effects on gravitational waves and space-time itself."

I kept a calculating eye on the screen she pulled up during her explanation. I was more than curious, I was slightly amazed.

If only Zurine could see this.

"And that's where we're heading?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes." Figured.

I sat down on the floor as my supposed mother handled the controls and flew us to the quantum abyss.

The whole time I was thinking about Zurine.

I chuckled at the thought. I haven't seen her in months. I wonder how she's doing?

After a few minutes of silence, mom stopped flying, putting the ship on autopilot and turning aorund in her seat towards me.

"What are you thinking about, Keith?" She asked, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, not much, really." I said, "Just thinking of home, my friends, and Zurine."

She gave me a curious look, "Zurine? Who's that?" She asked.

I smiled softly, thinking about the Arisian princess again.

"She's a wonderful girl." I said, "She's powerful, kind and beautiful. And she's..... just perfect. I wouldn't want to fall in love with anyone else."

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