Chapter 24

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(I'm into Hakuouki lately 👀💕)
And I'm starting to have writer's block for this fic 😂

"Woah, this place looks awesome!" Fuu admiring the scenery of kumogakure . Everyone nods in agreement. The whole place are full of people and .....rap music . 

"Say! Ho! You know my name, you know my fame, don't be lame! Eight Tails, thats me, da rappin,Killer Bee ♫"

The awful rap caught their attention as they are walking through the crowd . "Did he just say eight tails?" Fuu looked excited .
"A Tailed Beast resides, inside my hide! Makin' beats and rhymes and I'm makin' 'em live ♫"

"Isnt that obvious enough?" Sasuke facepalms . "He's literally announcing his status in public . " Everyone nods again. "But seriously .....those raps r kinda bad . " Roshi said quietly , trying not to be rude . "We should try to approach that guy !" Naruto suggested . Gaara pulled Naruto's shirt before he could stomp in ." Looks like someone with high status is coming ." He point at a certain direction . "Ohoo... that's a really red face!" Fuu laughed .

"BEEEE!!!!" The crowd steps aside to make way for the big man . " I told you not to make a commotion here !" He sighed . He then grabs Bee by his collar and pulls him away . " Ah wait brother--!♫

"As always  , raikage-sama will pick him up heh . " A villager said to another .  " Huh , raikage?" Naruto looks at Sasuke . "That's right , we're going to inflitrate the kage tower . " He smirks . " Haha! Things are getting more and more fun!" Fuu jumps in excitement . "......." Han sighed . Kids...why did I agree to tag along in the first place?  "I can use my sand to bring us in. " Gaara suggest cutely. Naruto gave him an 'OK' after thinking .

"Raikage-sama , welcome back . And Bee as well . " Yugito Nii greeted them. "Ouch ouch brother , youre hurting me  ♫ " Bee struggled but sadly,  his pain was being ignored. "Hmpf! You better stay put here and not make a ruckus outside  !" The Raikage then turned to Yugito . " And you Yugito, I thought I tasked you to supervise Bee?"  "I appologise Raikage-sama, I took my sight out of him when I was sorting out a document for you . Just a second later I found him missing . "
The Raikage sighed . "Fine , fine ! So how should i punish you Bee---" His sentence was cut off by a group of people crashing in the office from the window . "Holy cow!" Bee exclaimed.
"What do you what?!" Yugito activates her blades in between her fingers , ready to protect the raikage .

"I told you crashing in would be a disaster!" Roshi coughed. "...heavy" Gaara nearly fainted . " Lower your weapons , we are no threat ." Sasuke got up and dust off his clothes . Yugito examine them in disbelief . " Then why do you crash in ? There's always a door to come in ." Her face turned more serious .

"Maa ma ..." Naruto sweats . " Nii-san if you glare like that who would believe what you've said?" He pats Sasuke's shoulder . "Let me introduce myself , Im Ashura . And you?" He smiles . " Yugito Nii . I believe all of you are jinchuurikis right? " her words surprised everyone . "What?! " The raikage boomed . " Why in the world would the jinchuurikis gather here? In my office?!" He sounded angry and confused . " Yo bro , calm your ass down ♫ They said they mean no harm ye--- ♫ " "Shutup!" He hitted Bee's head . 

"Because its our mission , to gather all jinchuurikis together. " Sasuke explained coolly.  " NE NE~And how do you know we're jinchuurikis ? Dont tell me you have some sort of secret power?!" Fuu beamed and ran up to her. " Wha--- no!" Yugito shakes her head. " The Niibi inside me told me . " she sighed . " Then you're one of us?! Yatta!! Another girl have joined !" Fuu gives her a tight hug . Yugito who was surprised of the sudden tight hug are struggling to get out of her grip. "Let go you kid , who says im going to join you !"  Fuu frowns in dissapointment . "Ehh you're not?"

"So , we're here to ask for your permission . To have your jinchuurikis to join us . "  " And for what reason must I let them join you? " The raikage raised an eyebrow to sasuke .  " To protect the world . The jinchuurikis are  given a calling to save the world from danger . By doing that we need to gather everyone . " Sasuke crossed his arms .

"Hm interesting . But how can you , a small little kid possibly save the world?" He laughed . An irk mark formed on Sasuke's forehead . " wanna test it out? " he glares . The others behind him shivered at the sudden cold temperature . " ....I hope Indra nii-sam wont get too rough ." Gaara silently prays .

" May I bet something?" Sasuke looks up at the gaint figure in front of him. " Of course kid, anything ." Keh , such a tiny kid , so full of himself . Bet whatever you want , its immposible for you to win . The raikage smiled .

" Then if i win , your two jinchuurikis are going to follow us. "  The raikage laughed at the statement . " How bold ."  " How about you raikage , What would you bet ?" Sasuke smirks . " I wont give such a young child a bet ." After settling about the bets , they went to the training grounds .

" Stand on your positions!" Yugito raises her hand . "Ready .....Fight!"
And so the useless battle began .

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