Chapter 18

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"Sandaime-sama ,mission accomplished." "Woah,that's fast."Sandaime said."well,they ARE our best ANBUs in Konoha.It is to be expected."Danzo smiled. "All right,Karasu and Kitsune,you can get a rest for the whole day now .You are dissmissed." "Hai Sandaime-sama."both ANBUs poof out of the office.

"So what do we do now?"Naruto asks."....train?meet father?or just sleep..?" Sasuke mumbles."hmm...I dont wanna train,meeting old man means training too so NO.Sleeping....too boring nah."Naruto says."Hn,there's nothing to do ." "Yea...."Naruto looks at the blue sky.".....Just what is the meaning of life if it's this boring..?"

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・* HI

"I heard there's two prodigy kid in Danzo's ANBU group."Minato said ."Really?Their parents must have train them strong huh!"Kushina said . Today,Minato brought his family to his office to relieve stress or what you call that ....loneliness? Anyway,he also thinks about teaching Mito about the hokage stuff since becoming one is her dream and he believes that she will become one in the future.Mito heard that and got pissed."So what?My parents are the strongest ninja in Konoha so naturally I'll be stronger than those two prodigies!Isnt that right mommy?"  "Of course sweetheart!After all you're going to be the hokage in the future!"Kushina pats her head ."I will teach you my ultimate jutsu,the rasengan!"Minato announces."really?yata!"Mito fist pumps .Heh!I will be the strongest in the whole ninja word!       And so,her training starts.

They reached the Uchiha compound and went in Sasuke's house.The house is empty so they can do anything without being secretive .Naruto did say he was not going to sleep but he fell asleep anyways,on the floor.Sasuke place Naruto's head on his lap.He kisses Naruto's forehead gently while caressing his cheeks.His eyes flashes red."I won't let anyone hurt you ,my dear brother ."

ε-('∀`; )Bye~

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