"You're welcome." I smile, "It's so good!" I moan in delight. "There's nothing better than cake."


"Yeah." I exclaim.

"What about chips, fries, burgers, pizza?" He questions, grinning at me as he leans down on the counter.

"It's all amazing." I point out, "I'll eat it all."

"You're so different from the girls I usually hang around with." He shakes his head slightly in disbelief, the smile fixed on his face.

"Because I eat?" I can't help but scoff.

"Well, yeah..." He smiles, "But also, you have a half decent personality."


"No problem." He looks down at the rapidly disappearing cake. "You never fail to make me laugh." He takes a piece of cake onto his fork, lifting it to his lips. I have to tear my eyes away at the last minute, desperately hoping that he didn't catch me watching.

"Laughing at me, not with me." I scoff.

"Hey, half the time I laugh with you," He smirks, "It's not my fault that you cause situations which lead to me laughing at you."

"But no-one ever laughs at you, not the perfect Brett Winters." I snort. No, Savannah you did not just snort? Hell, I can never look at Brett again... he's going to make some sort of comment, he's going to...

"What can I say?" He retorts, "It's not my fault I'm such a perfect specimen." He winks, stepping back.

"Get over yourself." I exclaim, laughing.

"I literally just quoted what you said." He argues, "Perfect, remember?" He smirks, leaning back on the counter, towards me.

"You're infuriating."

"You wouldn't have me any other way." He taunts, pushing away from the counter and taking a few strides around the table.

"Believe me, I would." I snort.

"Oh yeah?" He grins, taking a few steps closer to me and reaching towards my face. "Which way would you like me?" His voice is quieter, as he leans closer to me. The meaning of his words are not lost on me, and I feel my heartbeat quickening as his hand rests on my waist. Shaking myself out of the awestruck trance I take a step back.

"This was good. Thanks for the cake." I babble, "I should probably be getting back now." I turn, making my way to the door.

"What's the rush?" He calls out and I turn back to face him.

"Brett, I'm not hanging around here just because you want me to." I point out, crossing my arms.  "We can be friends, but I have other things to do."

"At one in the morning?" He takes a couple of steps towards me.

"Yeah. Sleep." I snap, grabbing hold of my jacket from the hook and turning back to the door.

"I'm not with Ashley anymore." His voice calls out and I falter, letting go of the handle once more.

"You're with Kate." I reply, my voice cold and emotionless.

"No. Like I said, nothing was happening..."

"I can't keep up." I scoff,  laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. He doesn't want to be with Kate. Not Ashley. What does he want?

"I'm not with anyone." His voice is louder now and I know he's taken steps closer to me, but I'm still unable to move. "Not that it stopped you before."

The Test of Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن